| - The Text-Based Games Forum had started out as part of the Scratch Forums, with the original intent as being a section where Scratchers can become creative through text-based game play. Moderation difficulties led to the closing of the text-based games section in the Scratch Forums and the opening of a completely new forum dedicated to text-based games in October of 2009. The opening of the Text-Based games forum has started off with much initial success, with many users joining. Nikkiperson2 and The-Whiz were selected as the moderators for the newly created forum. Over time, however, many users left, and the forum was slowly becoming inactive. It rose up again in activity, but then nikkiperson2 was becoming inactive. She announced that she was too busy for Scratch and left in January, and resigned her moderator status. The growth of the Text-Based Games forum led to the need of new TBG moderators. Compounded with the fact that nikkiperson2 had resigned, a second moderator election took place. The-Whiz announced the new moderator election in February 2010, giving users a chance to speak their case for being elected as a TBG moderator. A week later, the voting began, with 283 voters participating in the election. Chrischb and Vista4563 were elected, and were appointed as moderators the day after. The TBG forums shut down in early 2013, the official replacement for them can be found here.