Redania, a wealthy realm which profits from trade and agriculture, is one of the Four Kingdoms. The capital city of Redania is Tretogor. Other prominent cities are Oxenfurt, with the largest university in the Northern Realms and the free city of Novigrad. The kingdom's neighbours are Kovir, Caingorn, Kaedwen, Aedirn and Temeria. For ages, Redania has fought a customs war with Temeria, its primary rival in the North. The country possesses the best intelligence network in the world. The government of Redania is also heavily influenced by sorceresses.
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- Redania
- Redania
- Redania
- Redania
- Redania
| - Redania es un reino de los Reinos del Norte, gobernado por Radowid V. Su capital es Tretogor. La más grande universidad en los Reinos del Norte, así como la ciudad libre de Novigrado están situados en Redania. Al oeste se encuentra el Gran mar. Tiene fronteras con Temeria al sur (Río Pontar), Kaedwen al este (Montañas del Dragón) y con Caingorn, Malleore y Kovir al norte.
- Situáciu v Redanii ešte zhoršilo zavraždenie kráľa Vizimira. O nápravu sa snažila rada regentov na čele s Djisktrou, šéfom redanskej rozviedky, ktorý však musel odísť do vyhnanstva. Neskôr sa vlády ujal Radovid Smelý, syn zavraždeného Vizimira. Lenníkom Redanie býval formálne aj Kovir, ale ten po porážke Redanskej trestnej výpravy už nemá žiadne záväzky.
- Uno dei Regni Settentrionali, Redania è un reame ricco che trae profitti dall'agricoltura e dal commercio. La capitale è Tretogor. Oxenfurt, con la principale università dei Regni Settentrionali, come pure la città libera di Novigrad, si trovano in Redania. I Regni confinanti sono Kovir, Caingorn, Kaedwen, Aedirn and Temeria. Per secoli è stata in guerra con Temeria, suo principale competitore nel nord. Il paese possiede il migliore servizio di intelligence del mondo. Il governo di Redania è fortemente influenzato dalle Maghe.
- Redania on yksi Pohjoisista Kuningaskunnista ja on varakas saaden tuottoa erityisesti kaupankäynnistä ja maataloudesta. Valtion pääkaupunki on Tretogor. Redaniassa sijaitsee Pohjoisten Kuningaskuntien suurin yliopisto Oxenfurt ja vapaakaupunki Novigrad. Naapureina maalla ovat Kovir, Caingorn, Kaedwen, Aedirn ja Temeria. Redania on pitkään käynyt tullisotaa naapurinsa Temerian kanssa, joka onkin maan pääkilpailija pohjoisessa. Redanialla on paras tietojenkeruuverkosto maailmassa ja lisäksi Redanian hallintoon vaikuttavat vahvasti velhottaret.
- Redania, a wealthy realm which profits from trade and agriculture, is one of the Four Kingdoms. The capital city of Redania is Tretogor. Other prominent cities are Oxenfurt, with the largest university in the Northern Realms and the free city of Novigrad. The kingdom's neighbours are Kovir, Caingorn, Kaedwen, Aedirn and Temeria. For ages, Redania has fought a customs war with Temeria, its primary rival in the North. The country possesses the best intelligence network in the world. The government of Redania is also heavily influenced by sorceresses.
- Redenia (az egyik terület az Északi Királyságban) egy gazdag birodalom, mely java nagy részét kereskedelemből és mezőgazdaságból szerzi. Redania fővárosa Tretogor. Oxenfurt, mely az Északi Királyság legnagyobb egyetemével rendelkezik, Redania-ban helyezkedik el (Novigrad szabad városához hasonlóan). A királyság szomszédai: Kovir, Caingorn, Kaedwen, Aedirn és Temeria.
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- De gules, un águila de plata coronada, membrada, armada y picada de oro, lampasada de gules; sosteniendo con su garra diestra un cetro de oro. El cantón de sable, una cruz de oro.
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| - Redenia (az egyik terület az Északi Királyságban) egy gazdag birodalom, mely java nagy részét kereskedelemből és mezőgazdaságból szerzi. Redania fővárosa Tretogor. Oxenfurt, mely az Északi Királyság legnagyobb egyetemével rendelkezik, Redania-ban helyezkedik el (Novigrad szabad városához hasonlóan). A királyság szomszédai: Kovir, Caingorn, Kaedwen, Aedirn és Temeria. Éveken át vámháborúban állt Temeria birodalmával, mely északon a legnagyobb konkurense. Az ország, a világ legjobb hírszerző szolgálatával rendelkezik. Redania kormányzata a varázslók által erősen befolyásolt. A Második Nilfgaard háború alatt Redania királyát meggyilkolták. A trónüresedés alatt az országot a Regency tanács feje, Sigismund Dijkstra uralta, aki Redania hírszerzésének vezére.
- Redania es un reino de los Reinos del Norte, gobernado por Radowid V. Su capital es Tretogor. La más grande universidad en los Reinos del Norte, así como la ciudad libre de Novigrado están situados en Redania. Al oeste se encuentra el Gran mar. Tiene fronteras con Temeria al sur (Río Pontar), Kaedwen al este (Montañas del Dragón) y con Caingorn, Malleore y Kovir al norte.
- Redania on yksi Pohjoisista Kuningaskunnista ja on varakas saaden tuottoa erityisesti kaupankäynnistä ja maataloudesta. Valtion pääkaupunki on Tretogor. Redaniassa sijaitsee Pohjoisten Kuningaskuntien suurin yliopisto Oxenfurt ja vapaakaupunki Novigrad. Naapureina maalla ovat Kovir, Caingorn, Kaedwen, Aedirn ja Temeria. Redania on pitkään käynyt tullisotaa naapurinsa Temerian kanssa, joka onkin maan pääkilpailija pohjoisessa. Redanialla on paras tietojenkeruuverkosto maailmassa ja lisäksi Redanian hallintoon vaikuttavat vahvasti velhottaret. Maan kuningas Vizimir II salamurhattiin Toisen Nilfgaardilassodan aikana ja siirtymävaiheen aikana maata hallitsi sijaishallintoneuvosto, jonka johdossa toimi Sigismund Dijkstra, Redanian tiedustelupalvelun päällikkö.
- Redania, a wealthy realm which profits from trade and agriculture, is one of the Four Kingdoms. The capital city of Redania is Tretogor. Other prominent cities are Oxenfurt, with the largest university in the Northern Realms and the free city of Novigrad. The kingdom's neighbours are Kovir, Caingorn, Kaedwen, Aedirn and Temeria. The Kingdom derives enormous profits from trade with Novigrad and grain exports, it may be said that monarchy is a granary of the whole Continent, and even other parts of the world. Therefore, the dominant landscape in Redania are huge, undulating fields of grain. Currently, the state economy is seriously threatened, because coming into the country with cheap goods Nilfgaard and other countries, which constitute serious competition for local artisans. In addition, there is a very little manufactories. For ages, Redania has fought a customs war with Temeria, its primary rival in the North. The country possesses the best intelligence network in the world. The government of Redania is also heavily influenced by sorceresses. King Vizimir II of Redania was assassinated during the Second Nilfgaard War. During the interregnum, the country was ruled by a Regency Council headed by Sigismund Dijkstra, the head of Redanian Intelligence, and Philippa Eilhart, head of the Lodge of Sorceresses. Quite specific is the social structure of this country - the cult of the nobility runs strong in Redania. That social stratum possesses more privileges here than in any nearby realm. Great differences in wealth exist among the gentry, but Redanian law cares for birth not property, making a well-born beggar the legal equal of the richest magnate. Those of high birth and great wealth draw the latter primarily from the grain trade and pedigreed horse husbandry. The last Redanians excel at, outdoing all other nations - Redanian steeds are unsurpassed. The Redanian cavalry is thus among the best formations of its kind in the world, and with the country’s nobility filling its ranks, it is the heart of Redanian armed forces. As a consequence of nobility’s privileged position, the peasantry is treated worse here than in any neighbouring states, and only the king’s iron fist keeps them from rebelling.
- Uno dei Regni Settentrionali, Redania è un reame ricco che trae profitti dall'agricoltura e dal commercio. La capitale è Tretogor. Oxenfurt, con la principale università dei Regni Settentrionali, come pure la città libera di Novigrad, si trovano in Redania. I Regni confinanti sono Kovir, Caingorn, Kaedwen, Aedirn and Temeria. Per secoli è stata in guerra con Temeria, suo principale competitore nel nord. Il paese possiede il migliore servizio di intelligence del mondo. Il governo di Redania è fortemente influenzato dalle Maghe. Re Vizimir di Redania fu assassinato durante la Seconda Guerra con Nilfgaard. Durante l'interregnum il paese fu governato da un Consiglio Reggente capeggiato da Sigismund Dijkstra, capo dell'intelligence di Redania.
- Situáciu v Redanii ešte zhoršilo zavraždenie kráľa Vizimira. O nápravu sa snažila rada regentov na čele s Djisktrou, šéfom redanskej rozviedky, ktorý však musel odísť do vyhnanstva. Neskôr sa vlády ujal Radovid Smelý, syn zavraždeného Vizimira. Lenníkom Redanie býval formálne aj Kovir, ale ten po porážke Redanskej trestnej výpravy už nemá žiadne záväzky.
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