| - The episode starts in space where Calthor’s forces are still a distance away from New Vestroia but then, Shiori says Master, I see Tivala approaching. Soon, Tivala arrives back and not a scratch on her as Calthor says gladly you have returned, what have you discovered. Tivala explains what she saw with the Bakugan evacuation and the Gate. Sivac then appears and says that can’t be possible – Master Calthor destroyed all the Dimensional Gates as Calthor says yes, this is very interesting; tell me Tivala – who is the builder behind that Gate. Tivala says I did hear a name from a source – the person who is helping them is named Wistorn but it can't be THE Wistorn right Master. Calthor immediately gets angry and says I knew it as he raises his staff and he says full charge ahead – we destroy New Vestroia today as everybody flies at full speed. As they are flying, Calthor says soon – I will destroy that fool and whatever else he has been hiding from me as Tivala looks at her master with a scared look. The scene now shifts back on New Vestroia's surface, the Bakugan are becoming less and less as Drago flies overhead and sees the planet is pretty bare now with lifeforms. Skyress then flies up and says Drago, all the Bakugan from the West have been evacuated as Helios flies up and says the Bakugan from the East are also evacuated. Drago says excellent; now we just need reports from the North and South. In a few moments, Skytruss and Orbeum come from the South and they report the South is evacuated. And then, at that moment, Tristar, Akwimos and Amazon come surfing on waves from the North as they report the North is evacuated as well. Drago says in that case – the only ones that are here are us as he lands on the ground near the Gate. Lindsata then appears a bit saddened as Drago says I don't suppose you could convince him, could you as Lindsata says no, I couldn't convince him to come with us - reminds me of Atrion a lot. Drago says well, you might as well head through ahead of us - we'll be there shortly as Shoult says are you sure as Drago says I'm sure - thank you for all your help. Lindsata says okay, we'll see you on Earth as she and Shoult fly through the Gate. Just then, Wistorn comes outside in his usual self and says I guess the time has come – am I correct, Drago. Drago says yes; are you sure you don’t want to come with us as Wistorn says Drago, I’m old and brittle – I've lived a good life but I feel I will do more good here than on Earth and plus, it’s time for me to move on. Drago says just so you know, you would be welcome on Earth but I understand – it was a pleasure to have met you and learned about my true ancestry as he extends his hand out. Wistorn shakes his hand and says it was my pleasure to see the descendant of my old friend - it is good to know that the universe is in safe and capable. He then says you had better get moving soon but there is something I need to do before I go with the Mechtogan as he spreads his wings and he flies towards Leonwulf’s location. Drago just watches and says thank you again as just then, all the Brawlers’ Bakugan start to crowd around to look at their home for what could be the last time. Drago says everybody gather around as everybody gathers around him as most focus on him while the rest look back at what they are about to leave. Drago says listen everybody - I know that we have fought hard for this place - when we fought against Naga and his Bakugan and when we fought for it when the BT system threatened its existance. It pains me to leave this place but I feel, as he puts on the artifact from his ancestor Atom Dragonoid, that we can rebuild this place yet again when we finally stop Calthor for good. Preyas then says Drago, I think I can speak for everybody when we say we understand how difficult this is going to be but we know that in the end, we are making the right choice as Skyress says yes, you already know how I felt before but I see the reasoning now. Tristar says well, it was definitely not like Gundalia but I liked living here - let's get that creep and show him not to mess with us or our homes as Taylean says very colorful language but I agree with Tristar. Helios says I'll admit it, I also have some attachment to this place but I'm not a softie so don't get any ideas as Elfin says sure you aren't as everybody laughs out loud. Drago then says well then, let’s go everybody – we’ll rebuild once we defeat him as all the Brawler’s Bakugan slowly go in one by one as Radizen is being dragged as he says no, no - I don't want to go but Roxtor is dragging through while saying in his own language oh shut up and let's go. Finally, Drago is the last one left as he looks at the plains of New Vestroia one more time before he heads through himself as outside, the Gate starts to break apart and crack but is still active. Meanwhile, back at Atrion’s grave, Leonwulf is still leaning against the tree playing his flute as Wistorn arrives and lands. Wistorn says why are you still here as Leonwulf stops playing and says I believe I made my intentions clear before and I won’t be swayed. Wistorn sighs and says I understand but before I go into space; there is something I must get off my chest. Leonwulf looks up from cleaning his flute as Wistorn says Calthor wasn’t the one who switched you out with Sivac, I was. Leonwulf is shocked as he puts his flute down, stands up and unsheathes his sword and aims it at Wistorn. Leonwulf says in a shaky tone why as Wistorn says like many of his victims, I was being manipulated into doing his bidding but I also believed that by giving Atrion Sivac – it would prevent the inevitable but I couldn’t have been more wrong. He continues by saying I have been carrying this guilt for a long time and I’m only hoping you can show mercy for the mistakes I made. Leonwulf just looks down but takes his sword away and puts it back in its scabbard. Leonwulf says no, I understand – I guess we were all manipulated in some way but I don’t hold anything against you. Wistorn says thank you as Leonwulf says but like I said before, I’m not leaving my Master’s grave and even if I pass on, I will be with him at least. Wistorn says your loyalty is something I admire but I’ll say this; this is not the right time for you to reunite with Atrion – yet as he goes to the gravesite. He the flies up in the air and says Zephyr Cutter and uses a wind blade to cut around and under the grave as he then says Airtation and makes the grave float out of the ground and to another place. Leonwulf is amazed as Wistorn says if you feel strongly, you may carry it with you. He then walks over to Leonwulf and says present your hands, which he does and he makes his hand glow green. He says now, it will be light as a feather to only you and you alone. Leonwulf then walks over and picks up Atrion’s grave like it is nothing and puts it on his shoulder. Leonwulf says thank you as he starts to run towards the Gate. As he moves ahead, Wistorn says good luck, brave warrior as he flies up into the high skies as back on the ground, Leonwulf jumps into the Gate as the Gate finally crumbles and it destroyed for all time. The scene now shifts back to the afterlife and more specifically, the DarkGod base where Anubias is sitting on the bed and says man, my head as Sellon gets up and says what happened but then, they both notice Mag Mel in front of them. Sellon is immediately excited and says Master Mag Mel as she bows and says it is so good to see you well, Master as Anubias, who is less than pleased just kneels down reluctantly and says as am I. Mag Mel says spare me the memories; I only brought you back to serve me and the greater good and you will do what you were created for – do I make myself clear. Both of them are shocked and silent but they, nod their heads. Sellon then asks Mag Mel if he conquered the Earth and defeated Dan Kuso, which does get some of the other villains a bit upset, but Mag Mel says that doesn’t concern you but I would like to introduce you to somebody and introduces Neotaro. They both look up as Neotaro looks down on them as Anubias whispers to himself this guy is even creepier than Mag Mel is. Neotaro turns to Mag Mel and says these are your two servants – I expected more than just mere children; at least I can give Zakaors the credit he isn't a child due to his age. Anubias then says look who is talking as Neotaro grabs him by the collar of his vest and says I happen to be over 2400 years old – don’t insult a DarkGod so easily or I’ll destroy you on the spot. He lets him go as Sellon says to herself 1000 years old – but he looks no more than 20 and who is this Zakaros they are talking about and what are these people as she looks around and sees DarkGods/BakuGods everywhere. Mag Mel says fear not; they know the consequences if they fail me or you as Neotaro says very well but don’t press your luck with overconfidence. Mag Mel then says now then, I also have a few tokens to give you both as six different attributed colored orbs come out and start to form into the ball forms of their Bakugan from the past. He gives Horridian, Bolcanon and Krakenoid to Anubias and Spyron, Vertexx and Krowll to Sellon and says I trust you will use them well for me now as you did before. As they float down and land in their hands, Anubias smiles and says well, now that we have our Bakugan back – I don’t think we need to stick around here anymore as he transforms into his Gundalian form. Mag Mel says how dare you; I’ll just to re-absorb you as he opens his palms to reabsorb them but Anubias says not this time as he grabs Sellon but the collar of her neck and they dodge out of the way. Then, he brings out his Bakugan and they get ready to fight potentially as he jumps onto Horridian's shoulder with Sellon in tow. Mag Mel says Razenoid, handle these fools as he brings them out with Neotaro saying well, this will be entertainment before the slaughter as Barodius says don’t get any ideas – this is our problem and we’ll handle it. Neotaro says for your sake, I certainly hope so because I have a very low tolerance level and you and your little group are almost at my limit. Mag Mel then activates Hyper Meteor Destruction but Anubias activates Tribal Crusher and Horridian manages to neutralize it. He then activates Pummel Bouler and Wise Wave for Bolcanon and Krakenoid, managing to clear some room out. Meanwhile, Sellon hasn’t done anything as Anubias yells out hey Sellon – don’t forget what this so called Master did to us – help me out here but Sellon says I don’t know what to do as Anubias says fine, I’ll do this myself. He then says I never got to use this against Dan but I like using it against Mag Mel as he says “Bolcanon – Krakenoid – Fuse!” as they fuse together into Mutant Bolcanon. Anubias then says “Ability Activate – Wave Pummel!” as Mutant Bolcanon fires a blast of fire and water into the Gate, opening it up in one swing and clearing the way. He then jumps down, grabs Spyron from Sellon’s hand and surprising her a bit. He throws Spyron up, grabs Sellon by the waist and Spyron flies straight through the gate opening and then straight up into the sky while Anubias calls back his Bakugan mid air as he yells down to Mag Mel hey Mag Mel - catch you later as they fly away quickly. As they escape, Mag Mel is furious as Razenoid says I told you you were being over ambitious - you shouldn't have trusted those two again after you reabsorbed them as over to the side, Dharak says for once, he and I agree on something. Neotaro then says ahem, which gets everybody's attention, let me just remind you all of our earlier proposition – if these so called forces of yours even once attempted or eventually betrayed me or yourselves; our alliance would be finished and since the alliance would be finished, you would be invaders and I'd have to destroy you. Hal-G chuckles and says do not worry my lord – we will handle this unfortunate problem as the villains all head out to get the two stowaways back. Meanwhile, back at where Daedathron's group is, Marnitac and Daedathron just watched what happened as Marnitac says well, that certainly was a sudden turn of events - I do wonder who those two are. Daedathron says whatever the case, they are on the run which means one of two things; it's a trap or they are trying to escape their captors but I believe we can take the latter option. He then stands and says Marnitac, gather the troops we have here – we are going to help those two – whoever and whatever they are and have Zarodius track our positions. Marnitac says at once as Daedathron says also, wear our cloaks - we don't wish to reveal our identities if it is a trap as they don them and fly ahead. The scene now shifts back to New Vestroia but it now shifts to space, where Calthor’s forces then arrive at the planet’s edge where they are welcomed by the Mechtogan who chose to stay. Flytris says loudly fellow Mechtogan, fight for our home as they all cheer and charge forward to strike at the enemy. Calthor just snickers and says pathetic excuses for a defense – Clay, use your Mechtogan to take them out. Clay says gladly and uses a control pad on his Gauntlet to send his Mechtogan in full force. The numbers are just too great as in a few moments, the Mechtogan are all defeated and unconscious as they float aimlessly in space. Just then, Calthor looks to his side and sees amongst the floating Mechtogan; Wistorn has arrived and is staring Calthor down. Calthor says to himself, so it is him as Sivac says Master – just say the word and we’ll destroy him but Calthor says calmly no, let’s have some fun but first as he closes his eyes and starts to glow purple for a second. After the glowing goes away for no reason, he then says Gravity Force and pushes the Mechtogan back down hard to New Vestroia' surface, flying past Wistorn and landing on the planet's surface in craters hard. After that, he flies down to Wistorn’s level and they have a bit of a stare down. Calthor says oh, how good it is to see you again, my old teacher as Wistorn doesn’t stop his stern look and says the feeling is not mutual, my former student. Calthor says oh, you’re still not mad about how I used you, now are you. Wistorn says that and much more; you destroyed not only my home but countless others as well on this vendetta of yours, or rather, somebody else’s vendetta. Calthor gets a bit angry and says if you think this vendetta is based on that old fool Scimizak’s prophecy – you are mistaken; this is my vendetta and mine alone. He continues by saying I’ve always known my place as the ruler of the universe but I had to take steps to make sure that I wasn’t opposed and organizing the Great War did that – it eliminated all the opposition that could have destroyed my ambitions. Wistorn says unfortunately, you didn’t eliminate your opposition – neither in the mortal world nor in the afterlife. Calthor snickers and says Zakaros is gone and as for the Brawlers and their little band of friends – I’m not concerned with them; they act quite brave and yet are run scared like flies. Wistorn raises an eyebrow, smiles and says you are the one who should be scared like a fly – the Brawlers are getting prepared to stop you and even if you break the final barriers; they will overcome you whether Zakaros returns or not. For a second, Calthor says like always; you know something that I don’t know – let’s take a look as his eyes glow but he can’t see anything. Wistorn smiles and says you never learn; you should have learned when you were younger that you can never read my mind and I won’t be telling you what I know. Calthor sighs but smiles and says it doesn’t matter but knowing you, you might be toying with me but either way, I have a planet to destroy so back away, old man. Wistorn says I will do no such thing as he then says go ahead, use your Ragnarok Dextra – I’m not afraid of its power. Calthor just smiles evilly and says unfortunately for you and most beneficial for me, I don’t need to use my Ragnarok Dextra to destroy this planet. At that moment, something flies by Wistorn at high speed and comes right up to Calthor. Suddenly, the light is revealed to be a copy of Calthor holding a very familiar orb in his hand. Wistorn says what did you do as Calthor takes the orb and the fake one disperses. Just then, a loud cracking is heard as Wistorn asks what is that and all Calthor does is point at New Vestroia. Wistorn turns around and sees that New Vestroia is breaking apart. Wistorn is shocked as Calthor says, I just removed the Perfect Core from New Vestroia without even laying a hand on it. Wistorn says you….you as Calthor says oh, don’t make me feel bad and don't worry, I have some good uses for this quite impressive power source, considering how it was created. He then puts it in his robes as Wistorn says what do you plan to do with that. Calthor says since you are planning to die along with such a jigsaw puzzle of a planet that will break apart shortly – I’ll tell you. He continues by saying since Earth is the last and yet strongest barrier to the galaxy’s core – it might be problematic but there is one thing that started it all and it was the Perfect Core and he intends to use its power to destroy the barrier, destroy Earth and get to the core he is after - the galaxy's core. He then says plus, I have another use for it - involving the pathetic Dragnoid but don't worry, that's my secret. Wistorn says I cannot allow you to use that power for your own personal vendettas anymore. Calthor says you are welcome to try as he holds his staff out and says Dextra Barrage as he fires six element blasts at Wistorn, knocking him back hard. Wistorn says even if I can't defeat you, I'll weaken you as he removes his robes and turns into his Bakugan form - which is a huge phoenix/woodpecker type Bakugan. Calthor says magnificient; if there are few things I respect - it's your Bakugan form. Wistorn then says I haven't used this in quite some time but I'll do it one last time as he says "Ultimate Ability Activate - Griffon Storm Hurricrana!" as the wind circles everywhere. Everybody is enveloped in its power as Calthor just doesn't move and says this will do no good against me as Wistorn says maybe not you, but your forces are another story as Calthor's Bakugan and Mechtogan start to take damage and be defeated slowly bit by bit. However, Calthor says you forget - I can just create new ones - all my forces are disposable which gets ANDRUS' attention from what Dan says before. Calthor then brings out his Supreme Form and says for you, I'll make an exception as he activates Elemental Dextra and it just breaks through Wistorn's ability and pierces right through him, defeating him. As Wistorn falls from the sky down to the cracking New Vestroia, he opens his eyes wide and sees another vision; he sees Calthor being defeated from a huge dragon projection of multiple lights from a giant glowing being. Wistorn smiles and says now, I know as he falls down into the atmosphere as the planet continues to crack. In a few moments, New Vestroia - the planet fought for many times, self destructs and Calthor smiles and says now, only one more stands in my way. Back in the afterlife, Anubias and Sellon are flying from the villains as Naga activates Silent Down but it does nothing against Spyron. Anubias says Sellon, help me out here but Sellon doesn’t say anything as Anubias says fine and says “Ability Activate – Fog Screen!” as Spyron activates a series of smoke/wind bombs that disguise them as the villains enter the smoke in confusion. Spyron flies out and Anubias’ sees a cave nearby and flies right into it to hide away. After the smoke clears, Barodius says where did they go as Airzel says I can’t see them sire. Zenoheld says if this comes back to haunt us, Mag Mel – you are on your own as Mag Mel says if you dare to say that to me again – you’ll regret it. Hal-G says come now, let’s not fight – I suggest we split up to cover more ground as Naga says agreed and the villains split up in several directions. Back in the cave, Anubias looks around and says we should be safe here as Sellon says what do you think you are doing; we are going to be surely destroyed this time by Master Mag Mel and I had nothing to do with this charade of yours. Anubias says hey, news flash - he's the one who absorbed you after you get that stupid Key and hey, you were more loyal than me. Sellon gets a bit of a shock and says I think we got the worst from him and guess what, I'm not going back to being a teeny, tiny ball of light as he shows a size with his fingers. You can do what you want but I'm not going back there as then, at that moment, a voice says hello – is anybody there as Anubias gets behind a rock in the cavern and says keep quiet or I’ll shut it for you Sellon. Sellon says nothing but nods her head as the voice says don’t worry – we mean no harm. Anubias stays hidden as the mysterious cloaked figure comes in and then, Anubias grabs him with one arm at the neck and says gotcha – you aren’t taking me back there. However, the figure then disappears and now, it’s Anubias that is being held hard as the voice, revealed to be Daedathron, says like I said – I meant no harm. He takes Anubias outside and Sellon comes out shortly after as they both see the BakuGods in cloaks that are surrounding them. Anubias says whoever you are – we aren’t going back to Mag Mel as Daedathron says I don’t know who this Mag Mel character is but like I said, as he hands them some food, I mean no harm and I only wish to talk as they take their cloaks off as a sigh of faith. Anubias and Sellon look at each other as they grab the food and start eating like they haven’t eaten in days. Anubias says thank you but who are you as Sellon says what are you exactly. Daedathron says of course – you probably have many questions as he introduces himself and tells them they are BakuGods. They look at each other again and they both ask Bakuwhat. Daedathron says it is........rather complicated; I will explain it in more time at our home if you want but would this be more acceptable for now as they all transform into a human form. Anubias says ah, that's much better and cool, thought we were the only ones who could do that. Daedathron says you'll find BakuGods to be capable of many things but I have a question, you both appear to be real as in real people and yet, you aren't – what are you exactly out of curiosity. Sellon says we are artificial beings created by the great Master Mag Mel for his conquest of Earth but Anubias says I'll say it again for you; news flash, in case you forgetten already, you’re so called Great Master Mag Mel killed us and only wanted to use us again - he didn't want to sit down for tea and cookies if you get my meaning. Marnitac then says so, you are not real beings at all – that sounds like a lie to me. Anubias says what was that as Daedathron says what my second in command is meaning is you can walk, talk, think, feel, eat – you seem like real people to us. Anubias and especially Sellon are kind of shocked at this since all they have been known as are tools. Anubias says um, thanks – makes me feel a bit better as Daedathron says I do have a question – why don’t your Bakugan talk like ours as Torpedor Dragonoid comes out and says hey, it’s kind of sad talking to silence. Sellon says they aren’t real Bakugan – they are also artificially created like us as Marnitac says well, I think we can change that back at Avagan. Anubias then says hold on, now I got two questions for you as he holds up two fingers – what is Avagan and what is this place; doesn’t look like Bayview. Daedathron and Marnitac look at each other with confused looks as Marnitac says none of us know what this Bayview place is as Daedathron says but to answer your questions – you are in the afterlife and Avagan is the home and base of ours. Sellon and Anubias are shocked as Anubias say you mean as he points down that this is where the dead go as Daedathron says mostly but some don’t have that privilege. Sellon says if this is where the dead reside – then, Master Mag Mel was defeated as she gets kind of sad. Anubias says one more question as he goes outside the cave entrance to look at the surrounding horizon, he says from what I heard about this place – a place like this was peaceful but it’s all scorched – what happened. Daedathron says we can explain more of that when we get to Avagan – do you want to go now or shall we wait here with you until the danger is clear. Marnitac I can assure you that if you come with us to Avagan, you will be better protected there than here. Anubias says well, you convinced me but you have to convince her as he gestures to Sellon who doesn't say anything. Just then, the cave is attacked from the outside as Zenoheld says good, we found them as he activates Twin Horn Pulsar. Back inside, Daedathron says I'll make a way for us to get out of here; all of you - put your cloaks back on as he gives two to Anubias and Sellon and says put these on - you won't be easy to find amongst all of us. Sellon gets her and says finely woven and clean, it's beautifully designed as well as Anubias says great, she does that frequently just so you know as they put the cloaks on. Daedathron says all right then - time to blast away as he brings out Torpedor and Blast Dragonoid and says "Double Ability Activate - Blaster Breaker plus Fury Shooter!" as the cave breaks and the two Dragonoids fly out with passengers on both. Barodius says oh great, not those cloaked figures again as Mag Mel then says the two of them aren't in here as Naga says that means two of those cloaked figures are our fugitives - stop them but Daedathron then pulls out two more cards and says "Double Ability Activate - Rapid Fire Boost plus Accel Shooter!" as both Dragonoids turn around, fire their projectiles at the enemies and the resulting momentum pushes them far ahead of the villains and clear out of sight. All the villains are furious, especially Barodius says I knew I shouldn't have trusted you - we should have brought the Mechtogan with us but Naga says send Hairidee and Tayghen - they can keep watch on them. Hal-G says an excellent idea Master as he throws them out and they bow down. Hairidee says don't worry Master - we will not fail you as they fly on as Mag Mel says I've never been afraid of anything but I'm shudder to think of Neotaro's anger. The scene now shifts to Earth where the Brawlers are there and managing the traffic of Bakugan coming through as then, the Gate starts to short circuit. Dan says oh snap – the Gate is falling apart but then, Drago and the others come out as Drago says that’s everybody - we are here. Dan then says hey Drago and waves as Drago says good to see you Dan as Dragaon says good to see you back, friend as he and Drago shake hands. Just then, a huge object comes through and it’s Leonwulf carrying Atrion’s grave on his back, making Lindsata relieved and happy. As he comes out, the Gate cuts off and turns to dust. Marucho says what happened over there as Leonwulf puts down Atrion’s grave, causing a shockwave due to its weight and says New Vestroia is gone but a friend gave his life to make sure we got out of there safely. Lindsata says and we won’t forget him as everybody looks up as the snow falls down over the mountain again. But just then, a lone Ventus feather flies out and flies by everybody as it goes into the sky and an image of Wistorn is shown smiling in the sky. (End of episode)