| - Simple, education. Dont get pregnant if you dont want to. Use condoms, pills, etc to prevent pregnancy (naturally condoms are best regarding STD prevention). Give the general public information about this item and make the best of your own enviroment. If you give people the chance of living a long and fruitfull life (culture, education, health, finance) they start thinking about the long term effects of choices. As a pleasant side effect you will see a lower rate of abortions.
| - Simple, education. Dont get pregnant if you dont want to. Use condoms, pills, etc to prevent pregnancy (naturally condoms are best regarding STD prevention). Give the general public information about this item and make the best of your own enviroment. If you give people the chance of living a long and fruitfull life (culture, education, health, finance) they start thinking about the long term effects of choices. As a pleasant side effect you will see a lower rate of abortions. If you are talking about wanting to get pregnant and are scared of losing the child ask your GP about the risks regarding your situation. Every case is different, for example age, location, what job you have, what genetic dissorders run in the family (if this is the case) etc. We are on this planet with about 6bln people so changes that your baby will be healthy are good. In general these are some advises to watch if you are scared of a losing an unborn child:
* Drugs (alcohol, medicins, nicotine, cocaine, heroine etc etc).
* Your own health. A sick/unhealthy body is not a good place for your baby. You make your own choises, the child doesnt...
* Unhealthy stress
* Weight, you provide your baby's breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eat healthy!
* Not enough "good fats". Omega-3 is the most important group (epa and dha).
* Accidents (falling, car, bike etc.)
* Bloodpressure
* Sugar
* Pets and wildlife
* Not taking enough rest, its a magic time so enjoy it (i'm a man so I never puked my brains out, It's easy for me to say this)