| - To start, all participants will meet outside Edgeville bank with the hiders. They will greet you and make sure everyone is ready. When the hiders have hidden themselves, the event will begin. The events team will hide almost anywhere in RuneScape, according to the following rules:
* No dangerous areas, or areas that require passing through a dangerous area
* No wilderness (but Daemonheim peninsula allowed)
* No dungeons - or places like the water obelisk island, which requires travel through Taverley Dungeon
* No quest areas - places that can only be accessed in a quest or places that require a quest.
* Places that feature in quests but can be accessed normally before, during and after it are okay (such as Sinclair mansion)
* Places that require starting or completion of a novice quest may be used (e.g. Rune Essence mine, Keldagrim)
* No places with skill requirements (e.g. guilds)
* No instances - no Dungeoneering, no quest instances, no randoms, etc
* Going up-/downstairs is allowed The first participant to find each hider will win a prize, which are listed below. When you find a hider, please trade them. In cases of multiple people finding the hider at the same time, the first to trade them is the winner. It will also confirm that you are here for the hunt, not just a random person. Seekers are allowed to use any method of transportation at their disposal. Initially there will be no clues. After a period, each hider will give a basic clue of their location. After a further while, clues of varying degrees of crypticness will be given too. Once a hider is found, the winner will be announced in the friends chat. The hider will then relocate if they still have prizes left. They will do this with private chat off and will leave the friends chat, and hop worlds.