| - For islanders the Foggy Coast is a mysterious and very dangerous place to visit. The relatively small island sits to the east side of Tiki Island, only fisheye can provide safe passage, but first one must brave the Valley of Secrets to find Fisheye's Dock. Once arriving at the coast it is nearly impossible to see more than a few feet in any direction due to the density of the fog. Eerie sound smay be heard at "night" and it is best to take shelter, though shelter is scarce. A few coded clues were left behind by Murambi, but only villagers would understand them. Eventually, alert travelers will notice evidence of some kind of strange human life. In addition to this life, there is a crashed airplane and home of a human who ultimately brought Mr. Woo to Tiki Island. It is unknown how many hav
| - For islanders the Foggy Coast is a mysterious and very dangerous place to visit. The relatively small island sits to the east side of Tiki Island, only fisheye can provide safe passage, but first one must brave the Valley of Secrets to find Fisheye's Dock. Once arriving at the coast it is nearly impossible to see more than a few feet in any direction due to the density of the fog. Eerie sound smay be heard at "night" and it is best to take shelter, though shelter is scarce. A few coded clues were left behind by Murambi, but only villagers would understand them. Eventually, alert travelers will notice evidence of some kind of strange human life. In addition to this life, there is a crashed airplane and home of a human who ultimately brought Mr. Woo to Tiki Island. It is unknown how many have survived the coast. Kaia and Codi only barely got out alive, Kaia-thanks to Codi, Raymew, Muskwa, and Lady La Croix (who all also escaped with the exception of Raymew, Kaia's Flumper) but it is unknown how Codi survived. Murambi (the Chief) also survived his trip to the Foggy Coast, but not without the loss of his spirit, Konoso. Because of the danger associated with the region, it is unlikely that many more have been to the Foggy Coast and lived.