| - A children's British Game Show from ITV, Jungle Run ran from 1999 to 2006. It was hosted by Dominic Wood, Chris Jarvis and Michael Underwood during its onscreen history. It is similar to The Crystal Maze and Fort Boyard. The show was set in a Jungle Japes-styled African jungle. Each week three kids go on an adventure through said jungle to face a series of puzzles and challenges whilst collecting monkey statues (originally bananas) to ultimately get a limited amount of time in the temple of the Jungle King, the resident Fisher King and possible deity. The numerous trials often involved puzzle games with time limits, and some more physical ones such as climbing through a series of underground paths to collect the monkey statues whilst racing against the clock. There to hamper the contestants were the Jungle King's minions, Sid and Elvis, a pair of monkeys who would throw a Spanner in the Works to trouble the kids and slow down their progress. Eventually, with whatever time they have gained from the collected statues, the kids and the presenter go to the Jungle King's temple. Inside, the kids must complete the most challenging puzzles of the game. When time is nearly up, the kids usually drop everything and run out of the temple with the sacred monkey idols available to them (stone, bronze, silver, gold) and will get prizes if they escape the temple. If they do not get out of the temple, then they win nothing.