| - Mr. Fullswing(ミスターフルスイングMisutā Furusuingu, also known as MisuFuru (ミスフル)) is a manga written and illustrated by Shinya Suzuki. It was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine, and collected in 24 tankōbon. Saruno, however, determined to win Nagi's heart, and with Kengo's help, joined Junishi baseball team and struggles to find someplace and fame for himself, and for winning Nagi.
| - Mr. Fullswing(ミスターフルスイングMisutā Furusuingu, also known as MisuFuru (ミスフル)) is a manga written and illustrated by Shinya Suzuki. It was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine, and collected in 24 tankōbon. The main character, Saruno Amakuni, is a loser at attracting girls, perverted, easy to get into trouble, but has great strength of heart and body. He is accompanied by Kengo Sawamatsu, which work together to fulfill Saruno's dream: dating Nagi Torii, Junishi baseball team manager. To do so, he enters Junishi baseball club, only to find many obstacles, new friends and rivals, awaiting him there. And he is total amateur at baseball. Saruno, however, determined to win Nagi's heart, and with Kengo's help, joined Junishi baseball team and struggles to find someplace and fame for himself, and for winning Nagi. Mr. Fullswing often features Saruno running a joke, sometimes nonsensical (in a scene, it is shown Saruno bleeding a lot, but fully recovers after the prank). The joke also parodies many other well-known manga, such as Dragon Ball, Kindaichi Case Files, Gundam, et cetera.