Utt was a former septon who was kicked out of the Faith of the Seven in disgrace. He is now a lieutenant of the Brave Companions and is one of the most trusted men of Vargo Hoat. he is hanged for his crimes by the Brotherhood without Banners.
Septon Utt ist ein in Ungnade gefallener Septon und ein Mitglied der Tapferen Kameraden.
Utt was a former septon who was kicked out of the Faith of the Seven in disgrace. He is now a lieutenant of the Brave Companions and is one of the most trusted men of Vargo Hoat. he is hanged for his crimes by the Brotherhood without Banners.
Septon Utt ist ein in Ungnade gefallener Septon und ein Mitglied der Tapferen Kameraden.
Utt was a former septon who was kicked out of the Faith of the Seven in disgrace. He is now a lieutenant of the Brave Companions and is one of the most trusted men of Vargo Hoat. he is hanged for his crimes by the Brotherhood without Banners.