| - The KGB is the umbrella organization serving as the Soviet Union's premier security agency, secret police, and intelligence agency, from 1954 to 1991. Important figures in the KGB included those such as Major Zastrow and his enforcer Ivan Illyich Gort, aka "Steel Wolf", of the Red Shadows, as well as the not so subtly named "KGBeast".
- The Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (Russian: Комитет Государственной Безопасности), KGB for short, was the secret service organization of the Soviet Union. At one point of time, Anatoly Knyazev worked for the KGB.
- El dominio del KGB fue aproximadamente el mismo que el de la CIA o la división de contrainteligencia del FBI en Estados Unidos. El nombre por el que se ha conocido popularmente es "El Centro". Se encargó de obtener y analizar toda la información de inteligencia de la nación, pero se convirtió en un organismo de represión de toda la Unión Soviética. Desapareció cuando se disolvió dicha Unión. A partir de allí surgió el Servicio de Inteligencia Extranjera, el cual pasó a dirigir las actividades de espionaje fuera del país y le informa directamente al presidente del Gobierno.
- The KGB was a Russian secret service run by the Lucians. KGB is a Russian-language acronym for State Security Committee. Irina Spasky was the youngest KGB agent. She later uses the skills learned there to aid her on the Clue hunt.
- ☭ KGB ☭ estas rusa siglo de Комитет государственной безопасности (Komitet gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti, Ŝtata Sekureca Komitato), la sekreta polico kaj spionagentejo en Sovetunio, fondita de Feliks Dzerĵinskij. Ĝia ĉefa ejo estis Lubjanka, en Moskvo. La batalo de KGB kontraŭ CIA dum Malvarma milito inspiris multajn spionromanojn kaj spionfilmojn. Scenoj kun policspionoj en gastejoj, kiuj tie orelumis, kion „la papolo diras“, estis tie ĉiutagaĵo, precipe tiam, kiam Stalin ankoraŭ vivis. Tiutempe sufiĉis politika ŝerco por retroviĝi dum jaroj en prizono.
- The KGB was Russia's CIA. Except they were scary and evil, instead of being brave and benevolent. They did a load of stuff which you'd better not know about, or else!
- Le KGB est une organisation des services secrets russes. Catégorie:Organisations
- In the 1980s, the glasnost liberalisation of Soviet society provoked KGB Chairman Vladimir Kryuchkov (1988–91) to lead the August 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt to depose President Mikhail Gorbachev. The thwarted coup d'état ended the KGB on 6 November 1991. In the late Cold War, the KGB was successful with intelligence coups in the cases of the mercenary walk-in recruits FBI counterspy Robert Hanssen (1979–2001) and CIA Soviet Division officer Aldrich Ames (1985–1994).
- The KGB is an organization run by the Russian Government, but not publicly admitted to, whose primary function is intelligence gathering and carrying out operations outside which are often illegal. The American government's counterpart to this organization is the CIA.
- After the Soviet Union won the Cold War, the KGB was the model to which all governments' secret police aspired. Even so, the KGB was unparalleled in its ruthless efficiency in rooting out the enemies of the state. Moreover, KGB was the proving ground for the Soviet Union's most ambitious citizens; those who sought power climbed the ladder of the KGB to get it.
- "Diana Winter" was a deep-cover KGB agent who, prior to 1968, infiltrated the United States' Project Hercules, and attempted to sabotage the experimental enhanced fusion bomb before being stopped by Gary Seven. (TOS - Star Trek: Assignment: Earth comic: "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns") The comic erroneously refers to this as the "KBG". On 25 December 1991, the Soviet Union was dissolved, and the KGB ceased to exist. (VOY episode: "Future's End, Part I") In Julian Bashir's Secret Agent holoprogram, the character of Anastasia Komananov was an operative of the KGB. (DS9 episode: "Our Man Bashir")
- Le KGB (Komitet gossoudarstvennoï bezopasnosti, "Comité pour la Sécurité de l'État") était l'agence de renseignement de l'Union Soviétique au 20ème siècle. Dans le programme holographique Julian Bashir, Agent Secret, le personnage du Colonel Anastasia Komananov était une agent d'opération du KGB. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir") Le KGB cessa d'exister lorsque l'URSS fut dissoute en 1991. (VOY: "Future's End")
- Pour ingredients into a shooter glass. Carefully float one ingredient over the other in this order - coffee liqueur - Galliano - Irish cream liqueur to for layers.
- The KGB is a Russian abbreviation for Committee for State Security. It was the name of a disbanded security agency of the Soviet Union. It was used primarily for national security and defense. The KGB's emblem was of a shield and a sword vertically in front of it, a red star with the communist sickle and hammer in the centre, and a red banner underneath the star. It was formed in 1954 and disbanded on December 21, 1995 after the Russian President, Boris Yeltsin signed a decree. The KGB was replaced by the FSB (Federal Security Service), the current Russian Security and Defence agency.
- More than just a Russian equivalent of the CIA, the KGB covered a wide suite of responsibilities and roles analogous to the CIA, NSA, FBI, Secret Service, Federal Bureau of Prisons, and the Bureau of Customs and Border Control combined. It is through this vast network of intelligence and surveillance that the KGB could exert power over the 293 million citizens in the 15 Soviet Republics that made up the USSR.
- The KGB, officially known as the Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (or Committee for State Security), was the national security agency of the Soviet Union. They served as the country's secret police and espionage service from 1954 to 1991.
- KGB, SNTL:n valtion turvallisuuskomitea oli Neuvostoliiton valtiollinen turvallisuuspoliisi.
- Russischer Geheimdienst, der unter Kontrolle von Chruschtschow steht. Während der Virtuosen Mission kämpft Snake gegen einige Soldaten. Sie sind nur mit AK47 und Granaten bewaffnet
- ה - KGB היה אחראי לפעולות ולחיסולים רבים כגון אוסמה בין לאדן, איציק רבין, רונאלד מקדונלד ואפילו סדאם חוסיין. סניפי הק.ג.ב פרוסים עד היום בחלק רב של העולם אך רוב משימותיו מתבצעות בברית המועצות, אפגניסטן, סין ומועצות הברית
- The KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, "Committee for State Security") was the intelligence body of the Soviet Union (Russia) in the latter half of the 20th century. In the Julian Bashir, Secret Agent holoprogram, the character Colonel Anastasia Komananov was an operative of the KGB in 1962. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir") The KGB ceased to exist when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991. (VOY: "Future's End") Although not directly stated in dialogue, the two FBI agents interrogating Pavel Chekov in 1986 most likely have thought he is an agent of the KGB. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)
- De KGB (ook wel comité voor staatsveiligheid genoemd) was de inlichtingendienst van de Sovjet unie tijdens de laatste helft van de 20e eeuw. In het Julian Bashir, geheim agent holoprogramma was het karakter kolonel Anastasia Komananov een medewerker van de KGB. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir") De KGB werd opgedoekt na het uiteenvallen van de Sovjet unie in 1991. (VOY: "Future's End, Deel I") Categorie:Aardse agentschappen
- The Комите́т госуда́рственной безопа́сности, or Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, abbreviated as КГБ or KGB, and translated in English as the Committee for State Security, was the main security agency for the Soviet Union until its collapse.
- The Komityet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosty (Russian Cyrillic Комитет государственной безопасности), literally the Committee for State Security, was the chief espionage agency of the Soviet Union from 1954 to 1991. The KGB was responsible for all espionage and counter-espionage activities, essentially acting as a combined unit equal to the CIA and FBI in the United States, or a combination of MI5 and MI6 in the United Kingdom.
- The KGB , roughly translated as the Committee for State Security, was the national security agency of the USSR from 1954 until the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. The organization was the state's premier secret police, internal security, and intelligence organization.
- After the Soviet Union dissolved, the KGB split into the Federal Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation. When breaking away from the Republic of Georgia in the early 1990s with the collapse of the USSR along with Russian help, the republic of South Ossetia established their very own similar KGB.
- KGB is de afkorting van de Russische naam Komitet Gosoedarstvennoj Bezopasnosti (Комитет Государственной Безопасности), oftewel Comité voor Staatsveiligheid. De KGB was de belangrijkste veiligheids- en inlichtingendienst van de Sovjet-Unie, vergelijkbaar met de CIA in de Verenigde Staten (aangevuld met de taken op het gebied van contraspionage en binnenlandse veiligheid van de FBI) en de AIVD in Nederland.
- Das Komitee für Staatssicherheit, kurz KGB, ist ein Geheimdienst der Sowjetunion in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zur Ausbildung ihrer Agenten bauen die Sowjets amerikanische Städte nach, um diese zu trainieren, die USA zu infiltrieren. (VOY: ) 1991 wird der KGB aufgelöst als die Sowjetunion zerfällt. (VOY: ) Im Holoprogramm Julian Bashir, Geheimagent gibt es einen Charakter namens Oberst Anastasia Komananov, welcher dem KGB angehört. (DS9: )
- The First Directorate was a major branch of the KGB. During the Cold War, Borvo Sobrinna, a Serb orphan, was trained by the First Directorate to infiltrate the United States' financial community as a mole. Sobrinna assumed the identity of the deceased Theodore Cofell and became "Ted Cofell." (Findings at CTU) Georgi Timko was a KGB agent before becoming a bartender. (Operation Hell Gate) As a child, Sergei Bazhaev saw the KGB throw an entire family off the roof of a building. ("Day 8: 11:00pm-12:00am")
- La Komityet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosty (en cirílico Комитет государственной безопасности), literalmente el Comité para la Seguridad Estatal, fue la principal agencia de espionaje de la Unión Soviética desde 1954 hasta 1991. Dicha organización fue la responsable de todas las actividades de espionaje y contra-inteligencia; actuando principalmente como sus equivalentes estadounidenses (FBI y CIA) y británicas (MI5 y MI6). La agente XXX (Mayor Anya Amasova) fue una aliada en la película La espía que me amó. Categoría:Organizaciones
- KGB was the Soviet counterpart to CIA and FBI. "KGB" ("КГБ") is an abbreviation for "State Security Committee" but over the time, it became associated if not synonymous with the "empire of evil", the USSR. After the fall of the Soviet Union, KGB was officially succeeded by FSB. They may have also had their hand in the Kennedy Assassination.
- Una mattina di gennaio dell'anno 1926 (dopo il ripristino del mondo) il compagno Stalin si fermò sotto un ponte, come faceva sempre, a scroccare 100 gr. La compagnia di 5 uomini ne versò cosi volentieri che rimasero tutti ubriachi nel giro di 10 minuti e iniziarono a bestemmiare contro Dio, l'America e Berlusconi... In riconoscenza il compagno Stalin formò il KGB, mettendo al comando dei 5 settori i suoi "amici". I 5 settori:
- (This is not to be confused with the old KGB, a branch of the Russian secret service, standing for Kool Gangsta Bitches). KGB was a chain of fast food restaurants that originated in Stalinist Russia and has operated since Stalin ordered the Comrades of Kentuckistan to organize into a collective in 1954.
- The KGB, an initialism for the Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (Комитет государственной безопасности), was the former Soviet Union's Committee for State Security, established by Nikita Khrushchev in 1954. Its precursor was an organization called the Cheka, founded in 1917, that served to suppress sabotage and counter-revolutionary activities.
- [[Soubor:Snowboardacky.jpg|thumb|right|Agentky Naďa a KateřinaKategorie:Cenzurováno]] KGB censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno censored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurovánocensored!!!Kategorie:Cenzurováno
- Le Komitiet Gossoudartsvenoï Biezopasnosti (Комитет Государственной Безответсвенности ou Comité Gosse ou dard te svénoille et Baise au pas nos chtis, ce qui ne veut absolument rien dire !) était une organisation secrète soviétique créé par de vilains communistes nationaliste dans le seul but de contribuer à la gloire de la sainte mère Russie et du communisme triomphant. Mais pour mieux comprendre replaçons nous dans le contexte.
- The KGB was the Soviet Union's secret agency. Operating for over 80 years under various names, such as the Okhrana or Cheka, it acted as the Red Right Hand to some of the most vicious, murderous dictators the world has ever seen. For the page on the actual KGB, please see Moscow Centre.
- right|117px left|220px KGB, v azbuke КГБ, po rusky celým menom: Комите́т Госуда́рственной Безопа́сности, po slovensky: Výbor pre štátnu bezpečnosť (*1954, Moskva, ZSSR †1991, Moskva, Rusko), je bývalá sovietska sociálna sieť, ktorá si už počas ranného komunizmu vzala pod svoje ochranné krídla skupinky priateľov podnikateľov, vedcov živnostníkov doma a v zahraničí.
- Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (more commonly known as the KGB) is a security agency in the Wild Cards series of books. It acted in the service of the Soviet Union, gathering information and operating in the capacity of secret police. The KGB had a bitter rivalry with the GRU, Russia's military intelligence main directorate. The two groups have both been successful in removing each other's leaders by way of assassination.