| - Dr John Joseph Esmonde LRCSI, (27 January 1862 — 17 April 1915), of Drominagh, Borrisokane, County Tipperary, Ireland, was an Irish nationalist MP for North Tipperary 1910–1915. His father, James Esmonde, was the younger brother of Sir John Esmonde, 10th Baronet. Esmonde died on 17 April 1915 from "pneumonia and heart failure consequent on the strain of overwork" while serving as Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps. He is buried in his family vault in Terryglass, County Tipperary.
| - Dr John Joseph Esmonde LRCSI, (27 January 1862 — 17 April 1915), of Drominagh, Borrisokane, County Tipperary, Ireland, was an Irish nationalist MP for North Tipperary 1910–1915. His father, James Esmonde, was the younger brother of Sir John Esmonde, 10th Baronet. He had three sons from his first marriage; John Lymbrick Esmonde (1893–1958) was elected MP in his place while serving with the Leinster Regiment, Lt. Geoffrey Esmonde (1897–1916) was killed in action serving with the 4th Tyneside Irish Battalion of the Northumberland Fusiliers. The other son of this union was Anthony Charles Esmonde (1899–1981). A son from his second marriage, Eugene Esmonde, was awarded a Victoria Cross posthumously in 1942.Another son, Paddy, the youngest was awarded the Military Cross whilst serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps at the Rhine in 1944. Esmonde died on 17 April 1915 from "pneumonia and heart failure consequent on the strain of overwork" while serving as Captain in the Royal Army Medical Corps. He is buried in his family vault in Terryglass, County Tipperary.