| - The head is where the brain is, and the brain controls all conscious and unconscious functions. So when there's some external, intangible assault on the brain, cranium or ears, it's only natural to seek to protect the head. Gotta Get Your Head Together is the resulting trope, most frequently seen in comics, sci-fi, games, and animation. If a mind control power is used, the character(s) attempting to resist it will clutch their heads. If a sonic assault has been unleashed, the victims will clutch their heads to protect their ears. Examples of Gotta Get Your Head Together include:
| - The head is where the brain is, and the brain controls all conscious and unconscious functions. So when there's some external, intangible assault on the brain, cranium or ears, it's only natural to seek to protect the head. Gotta Get Your Head Together is the resulting trope, most frequently seen in comics, sci-fi, games, and animation. If a mind control power is used, the character(s) attempting to resist it will clutch their heads. If a sonic assault has been unleashed, the victims will clutch their heads to protect their ears. Variations on the headclutch include huddling into a ball on the floor, falling to the knees, or doubling over as if attempting to shake off the intruding influence. This pose, often seen in tandem with The Scream, can also be encountered in situations where a powered character is reaching the upper limit of their concentration and ability; which makes this trope a relative of the Pstandard Psychic Pstance. It often precedes Your Head Asplode. As mind manipuation technology has not yet been perfected, we cannot ascertain whether or not the psychic variant is Truth in Television. The sonic version is, though. Examples of Gotta Get Your Head Together include: