| - In 2264, the Enterprise was patrolling near the Interstellar Coalition's border when it picked up a radio signal distress call from the SS Columbia which went missing in 2236. Thinking the crew could have survived, Pike ordered Enterprise toward Interstellar Coalition space. Hoping to take a shortcut, the ship flew toward the Robinson Nebula, but suddenly spotted two Orion starships inside. As the Enterprise attempted to flee, the two ships opened fire, severely damaging the ship. During the battle, an explosion destroyed the science station, immediately killing Lieutenant Ann Mulhall. Toward the end of the battle, the Coalition Soval-class vessel ICV V'Lar flew out of the nebula and assisted Enterprise. After a tense conversation with the Tellarite Captain Glal blasch Cheg, the Enterprise
| - In 2264, the Enterprise was patrolling near the Interstellar Coalition's border when it picked up a radio signal distress call from the SS Columbia which went missing in 2236. Thinking the crew could have survived, Pike ordered Enterprise toward Interstellar Coalition space. Hoping to take a shortcut, the ship flew toward the Robinson Nebula, but suddenly spotted two Orion starships inside. As the Enterprise attempted to flee, the two ships opened fire, severely damaging the ship. During the battle, an explosion destroyed the science station, immediately killing Lieutenant Ann Mulhall. Toward the end of the battle, the Coalition Soval-class vessel ICV V'Lar flew out of the nebula and assisted Enterprise. After a tense conversation with the Tellarite Captain Glal blasch Cheg, the Enterprise headed back to Earth. Later, the Enterprise transported Lady T'Pol of Vulcan, along with Ambassadors Nancy Hedford and Garrett Tarses, to Babel, in order to petition for Earth's admittance into the Interstellar Coalition. While the ship was in standard orbit above Babel with all the other vessels, a cloaked Romulan warbird stopped underneath Enterprise and fired upon the Coalition vessel ICV Kuvak, framing Enterprise for the destruction. The ship later tracked down the warbird which destroyed the Kuvak, rescuing T'Pol who had been captured in an attempt to keep Earth out of the Coalition. (TOS - Myriad Universes novel: A Less Perfect Union)