| - Phineas and Ferb are seen working on a machine, when Andrew, Isabella, Buford and Baljeet walk up. "'Sup?" Andrew asks. "Ferb and I have created a machine that can turn you into an Adult, a Kid, a Teen, a Baby--" "Can it turn you into a caveman?" Andrew asks. "Well, no. It can't do that." Phineas says. "Shame. I think cavemen are awesome." Andrew says. Linda walks outside and says, "Who wants pie?" "I do!" The kids shout. "No thanks. I just ate pie." Andrew says.
| - Phineas and Ferb are seen working on a machine, when Andrew, Isabella, Buford and Baljeet walk up. "'Sup?" Andrew asks. "Ferb and I have created a machine that can turn you into an Adult, a Kid, a Teen, a Baby--" "Can it turn you into a caveman?" Andrew asks. "Well, no. It can't do that." Phineas says. "Shame. I think cavemen are awesome." Andrew says. Linda walks outside and says, "Who wants pie?" "I do!" The kids shout. "No thanks. I just ate pie." Andrew says. All the kids run inside, while Andrew stays outside. "'Can't turn into a caveman' my foot." Andrew quietly says to himself. Andrew picks up the machine, and slowly sets the machine to "27,000 BC". BAM! The machine explodes, as it blasts Andrew. Nothing happens. "Odd. Nothing happened. Maybe it's out of batteries." Andrew says to himself. He then walks back to his house, and runs up to his room. "Well, hello, good lookin'." Andrew says to himself as he looks at a mirror. "Wait, do I look a bit more--Cave-ish?" Andrew asks himself. "Oh my goodness. It worked." Andrew says to himself. Back at the Flynn-Fletcher house, Phineas and Ferb walk outside as they notice that their machine is destroyed. "Uh-oh." Phineas says. Just then, Andrew walks up to the boys as he shouts "Ooga! Ooga!" "Andrew, I told you, you aren't supposed to turn into a caveman." Phineas says."Name no Andrew. Name An-dok." An-dok says. "Whatever. You just stay here while Ferb and I try to rebuild the machine, okay?" While nobody's looking, An-dok slowly walks out the gate. A few hours later, after the machine is rebuilt, the kids walk into the backyard, only to see that An-dok is gone. "An-dok's gone? Gee, I wonder where he is..." Phineas says.