| - "Audience" is the eighteenth single by Hamasaki Ayumi, released on November 1, 2000, making it a recut single from Duty. The song was featured on the DVD ParaPara Paradise: J-EURO PARAPARA. The single is limited to 300,000 copies and has since sold over 293,000 copies.
- The Audience describe who Meet the Geeks is meant to serve.
- The Audience are characters in the Super Mario series. They first appeared in Paper Mario. They are also called the Crowd. They appear in every battle in the Paper Mario series, beside Paper Mario: Sticker Star. They give Mario SP when he attacks enemies. They can also be a power source for bosses. In Super Paper Mario, they appear when Mario does a Stylish Move.
- The audience area is the place from which an assassin was believed to have targeted President Teikun Ō of Zheng Fa during his speech at Gourd Lake in March 2019.
- Audience es el décimo quinto soundtrack de Naruto Película 2: Las Ruinas Ilusiorías en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks
- Audience es el décimo quinto soundtrack de Naruto Película 2: Las Ruinas Ilusiorías en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks
- If players mimic the clothes the nearby audience is wearing, they will obtain a better score. The circus audience now appear as gnomes, when it is located near the Tree Gnome Stronghold.
- An audience is "[t]he users to whom a policy applies.
- The Audience is a group of people who are watching The Wiggles' shows. The Wiggles themselves are talking to them in concerts between songs. And also showing them the dances. We first heard someone in the audience speak in Space Dancing! when one of them called The Wiggles awesome after "Eagle Rock". If you see someone who likes to talk to you, then you're the viewer of the audience at your home. That is why you're called the viewers at home.
- thumb L'audience est composée de personnages apparus dans Paper Mario, Paper Mario : La Porte Millénaire, Super Paper Mario, la plupart des jeux de sports de la franchise Mario "Mario Sports" comme foule dans les stades et dans Mario Smash Football, comme avertissement pour une super capacité grâce aux cris de l'audience, et comme applaudissements et cris dans la série Super Smash Bros. (d'abord dans Super Smash Bros. Melee). Dans Paper Mario, lorsque Karl Quizzeur posera une question à Mario, l'audience sera là pour le regarder répondre à la question. Dans Paper Mario : La Porte Millénaire, l'audience est dans chaque combat pour regarder ce qui se passe, mais ils n'apparaissent qu'à certains chapitres du jeu. Dans Super Paper Mario, lorsque Mario (ou Luigi, Bowser et Peach) fait un saut m
- From Marlene Ward, DTM - The Six Signals All Audiences Want To Hear Signal number one: ” I will not waste your time” Give this signal very early, preferably in the first ten seconds, get straight to the point of why you are there, what you expect to accomplish and motivate your audience to listen. Signal number two: “I know who you are” Not only must you know your audience but also you must tell them so. Acknowledge the group and zero in on their specific needs. Set the tone for the presentation. Signal number three: ” I am well organised” The audience must be told that the speech is organized and how it will be structured. This gives the listeners the opportunity to organize their memory banks. Signal number four: “I know my subject” Audiences want to know “Why you and why this topic”
- The audience in QI are sometimes invited to answer questions. On various occasions, they have received points or forfeits and been given scores at the end of the episode. They first received a score of -45 in "Creatures", when one man received a forfeit for shouting "Dwarves" out as the answer to a question. However, Fry did not announce this at the end of the episode. Their first win was in "Death", where Fry announced their score at the end of the episode and declared them the winners. Despite this, he said Alan finished in third place, which implies that the audience weren't officially counted.