| - Los givin eran los habitantes nativos del planeta Yag'Dhul. Eran conocidos por su habilidad matemática natural que los hacía constructores de naves espaciales y astronavegadores expertos, por su apariencia esquelética y por su habilidad de sobrevivir en el vacío.
- Givin era uma espécie muito inteligente da Orla Interior, com rostos esqueléticos de cor branca pálida. Categoria:Esboços de raças e espécies
- Givin er en art sentiente humanoide fra planeten Yag'Dhul. Dethumb|200px|Givin er kjente i Galaksen som matematikere og skipsbyggere.
- A givin a Yag'Dhul bolygó őshonos faja volt. Leginkább természetes matematikai képességükről voltak ismertek, ami segítségével kiváló csillaghajó építők és navigátorok voltak. A másik jellegzetes ismertető jelük a csontvázszerű felépítés volt, és a képességük, hogy túléljék a vákuumot.
- Givinové bylli vysoce inteligentním druhem, pocházejícím z planety Yag'Dhul. Byli známí svým kostlivým vzhledem a matematickou genialitou.
- De Givin zagen er voor de meeste andere soorten uit als skeletten, dit kwam doordat hun skelet ook daadwerkelijk aan de buitenzijde van het lichaam zat. Givin hadden lange, dunne ledematen en droegen hun armen naar buiten gericht, net als hun voeten, waardoor zij op marionetten leken. Ze hadden grote driehoekige oogkassen en een pruilende mond, wat de indruk wekte dat de Givin constant pijn leidden.
- [Source] Les Givins sont une espèce originaire de Yag'Dhul dans la Bordure Extérieure. Leur visage ressemble à un crâne humain, sans peau. Ils sont reconnu pour être très intelligent, en mathématique plus précisément. Elis Helrot était un Givin présent à la cantina de Chalmun sur Tatooine en 0 av.BY.
- Die Givin sind Humanoide mit zwei Armen und zwei Beinen. Ungewöhnlich für eine menschliche Spezies besitzen sie ein markantes Exoskelett. Den Givin ist es möglich, einen halben Tag im Vakuum zu überleben. Diese Fähigkeit entwickelten sie, da sich die Atmosphäre ihres Heimatplaneten wie Ebbe und Flut verhält. Ihre Gesichter wirken auf andere Spezies zunächst äußerst abschreckend, da sie keine Augen zu haben scheinen. Die Augen befinden sich versteckt unter Hautfalten und werden kaum benutzt.
- The Givin lived in hermetically sealed cities that were built to withstand the tides of vacuum, and their society grew around the intense mathematics needed to accurately predict the vacuum tides. This use of mathematics provided the Givin with the reputation of being proficient mathematicians and strategists, a reputation that was only heightened by the fact that Givin used quadratic equations to greet each other. The Givin also had a fairly advanced technology, and were respected starship builders in most sector of the galaxy. During the Clone Wars, the Givin allied themelves with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, providing their shipbuilding talents in an effort to gain a measure of respect against the Mon Calamari. This provided the Separatists with access to, and control of, the
- This bizarre alien species has the unsettling appearance of an animated skeleton. The sharp downward angles of its facial features and its bony chalk-white skin combine to give it a ghostly, anguished look. Despite their attemptes to be polite, Givin have great contempt for all beings that cannot survive in a vacuum, and those species that allow their flesh to be exposed to the elements. Contempt, however, is not the same as hatred, and the Givin are very tolerant of these weak beings, provided they are considerate enough to keep all of their flesh covered.
- Homeworld: Yag'Dhul Description: The Givin hail from the planet Yag'Dhul, a world with a complex moon system that often causes tidal upheavals exposing areas of Yag'Dhul to the hard vacuum of space. To survive this, the Givin have evolved a means of sealing their entire anatomy in a form of organic exoskeleton vac-suit, sealing off all orifices and entering a state of hibernation. To successfully use this evolutionary precaution, Givin must hoard and store food energy by gorging prior to entering their sealed state. To assist them in predicting the terrible tides, the Givin have evolved a barometric sense.