| - At the secret headquarters of the Teen Titans, the group are going over their "help" mail when they get a radio call from a young girl named Penny Randall from the town of Smedelyville. She explains that recently a new student named Garn began going to her school. He was a strange boy with an apish manner and a strange speech pattern. Penny would develop a crush on him, however her classmates would tease him due to his odd appearance. Befriending Garn, she would walk him home from school one day and they would find Garn's father had fallen ill. His father would say that he was different from others, however he would pass away before he could explain the story to Penny. Garn would begin to rely on Penny even more.
About this time the town would be terrorized by a gigantic caveman, and the authorities would chase it into a cave where they would spot Garn spying on the scene and think that he did it, this would put Garn on the run. Penny, the only person in town who knew Garn couldn't have committed the attacks would be prompted to contact the Teen Titans. The Titans agree to take the case, and the next day after school Penny's school bus is attacked by the giant caveman. The attacker is clearly not Garn, who also appears and challenges the caveman however, when Penny rushes to Garn's side she becomes a target of Akkuru's magic axe. At that moment the Teen Titans arrive and manage to stop his axe from striking Penny, however during the melee their helicopter is knocked out of the sky.
The battle is pitched in Akkuru's favor, forcing the Titans and Garn to make a hasty escape. They retreat to the cave where Akkuru was first seen. There Garn shows them a clay imprint on the wall, and explains how he was challenging Akkuru many millions of years ago when they were trapped in the clay. Garn explains that when he was freed years later he was found by the old man who would adopt him as his son and educate him.
They are then alerted of Akkuru attacking the local dam and go after him. During their battle, the dam is damaged, however the Titans knock Akkuru into the water and he seemingly perishes as the dam crumbles. The Teen Titans then quickly prevent the water from flooding the city. Later they explain to the towns people that Garn had nothing to do with the attacks and had in fact been trying to stop Akkuru, not aid him as the people thought. With Garn's name cleared, he is considered a hero and finally accepted by everyone in town.
With their mission accomplished, the Titans return to their base to laugh over some of the silly requests they have received in the mail.