Skultera (Skultetra in Japanese) is an aggressive species of fish that appears in various Metroid games. These creatures are native to Zebes, and are mostly encountered in the planet's underground oceans of Maridia. They can also be seen in the pools of water from Crateria, near the Wrecked Ship. If Samus Aran approaches them, they will home in on her and attack her. In Metroid Prime, dead and frozen fish resembling Skulteras can be seen in the Phendrana Drifts region. An unused scan image and script file indicates these inactive fish were initially planned to have a larger role.
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- Skultera
- Skultera
| - El Skultera es una especie de criatura marina similar a una piraña de gran tamaño. Aparece en Super Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission y Metroid: Other M. Una versión mimetizada por el Parásito X, llamada Skultera-X, aparece en Metroid Fusion.
- Skultera (Skultetra in Japanese) is an aggressive species of fish that appears in various Metroid games. These creatures are native to Zebes, and are mostly encountered in the planet's underground oceans of Maridia. They can also be seen in the pools of water from Crateria, near the Wrecked Ship. If Samus Aran approaches them, they will home in on her and attack her. In Metroid Prime, dead and frozen fish resembling Skulteras can be seen in the Phendrana Drifts region. An unused scan image and script file indicates these inactive fish were initially planned to have a larger role.
- Lo Skultera è una forma biologica acquatica nativa del pianeta Zebes. È aggressivo e attacca Samus quando gli si avvicina. Appare prevalentemente nella regione di Maridia ma se ne trovano anche in alcuni stagni a Crateria, nei pressi della Nave Sommersa. In Metroid: Other M, gli Skultera appaiono nella Biosfera e nella Criosfera. La loro bozza ufficiale li definisce "mostri acquatici".
- Light Skulteras are susceptible to rapid-fire power beam shots, while Heavy Skulteras with their thick bony head growth are only known to be vulnerable to either fully charged power shot fire or missile blasts, which crack their exoskeletal shell. A third version of the Skulteras, which are simply X-mimicked versions known as Skultera-Xs, are instead susceptible to Ice Missiles and a fully charged beam shot to crack them.
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| - Skultera en Metroid: Other M
| - Estas criaturas son peces con uniones huesudas que rotan mecánicamente.
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| - Metroid: Zero Mission
- Metroid: Other M
- Metroid Fusion
- Super Metroid
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| - Skultera in Metroid: Other M
- Samus being attacked by Skulteras in Metroid: Other M.
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| - Drifting into Samus, biting
| - Scagliarsi contro il nemico
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| - Metroid: Other M
- Super Metroid
- Metroid Fusion
- Metroid: Zero Mission
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| - Lo Skultera è una forma biologica acquatica nativa del pianeta Zebes. È aggressivo e attacca Samus quando gli si avvicina. Appare prevalentemente nella regione di Maridia ma se ne trovano anche in alcuni stagni a Crateria, nei pressi della Nave Sommersa. In Metroid Fusion, un numero indefinito di esemplari è stato portato sul Laboratorio Biospaziale, dove è stato infettato dai Parassiti X. In questo modo, gli Skultera diventano Skultera-X. Il loro colore diventa da blu ad arancio. In questo stato è possibile ucciderli con pochi colpi di arma a raggio. Si può vedere, però, come, venendo a contatto con un Parassita X libero, lo Skultera-X assuma dimensioni più grandi e il suo colore diventi grigio. In questo stato è possibile ucciderlo solo con un Raggio Ricarica o con i Missili. Un X rilasciato da uno Skultera-X può potenziare un Pirata Spaziale Zebesiano infettato precedentemente, trasformandolo in uno Zebesiano Aqua. In Metroid: Other M, gli Skultera appaiono nella Biosfera e nella Criosfera. La loro bozza ufficiale li definisce "mostri acquatici".
- Light Skulteras are susceptible to rapid-fire power beam shots, while Heavy Skulteras with their thick bony head growth are only known to be vulnerable to either fully charged power shot fire or missile blasts, which crack their exoskeletal shell. A third version of the Skulteras, which are simply X-mimicked versions known as Skultera-Xs, are instead susceptible to Ice Missiles and a fully charged beam shot to crack them. As with all other species native to Zebes, it became extinct in the wild when Samus Aran finally destroyed the evil Mother Brain. While they were seen aboard the Bottle Ship and the Biologic Space Laboratory Research Station, in the latter as infected or versions mimicked by the X Parasite which had taken over, the Bottle Ship and the BSL were destroyed in a similar manner to Zebes.
- El Skultera es una especie de criatura marina similar a una piraña de gran tamaño. Aparece en Super Metroid, Metroid: Zero Mission y Metroid: Other M. Una versión mimetizada por el Parásito X, llamada Skultera-X, aparece en Metroid Fusion.
- Skultera (Skultetra in Japanese) is an aggressive species of fish that appears in various Metroid games. These creatures are native to Zebes, and are mostly encountered in the planet's underground oceans of Maridia. They can also be seen in the pools of water from Crateria, near the Wrecked Ship. If Samus Aran approaches them, they will home in on her and attack her. File:Fusionskultera.gif An untold number of Skulteras were captured and brought to the Biologic Space Laboratories, but were later infected and/or mimicked by X Parasites during the events of Metroid Fusion. Other than changing their blue color to orange, the X have made no modifications to the Skulteras' performance. But if a Skultera-X were to be near a free-floating X Parasite, the latter would immediately combine with the former to create an unnaturally larger Skultera. The small ones can be defeated by rapid fire, but the larger ones have a thick bone growth on their heads, and are only vulnerable to fully charged beams or Missiles. An X released from the remains of either Skultera variant can fuse with a nearby infected/mimicked Zebesian Pirate to form the Mermen Pirate; this is due to the X's ability to carry, modify and combine the DNA of their victims. Curiously, the large Skulteras featured in Fusion returned in the later released prequel Zero Mission as standard, Skulteras from Zebes. Despite being larger than those seen in Super Metroid, these fish are actually quite weaker than all other variants encountered in games chronologically following Zero Mission's events. Skulteras appear once again in Metroid: Other M, in their first 3D appearance. They were first confirmed in pages of an interview in the Japanese magazine Famitsu, which had a small screenshot of two Skultera on one page. They swim around various flooded areas of the Cryosphere and Biosphere and can latch onto Samus and gnaw on her. The concept art identifies the creature as an Aquatic Monster. In Metroid Prime, dead and frozen fish resembling Skulteras can be seen in the Phendrana Drifts region. An unused scan image and script file indicates these inactive fish were initially planned to have a larger role.
is Enemigos
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