| - Not setting = <> 虚影 Shadow burn (invisible burn that cast shadow patches?) Negative heat () Endothermic matter (those that can produce highly endothermic reaction by causing entropy increase to runaway), e.g. endothermic flame, endothermic explosives etc. Worldview interaction model include? Noexistent existence, and the interchange of existence, nonexistence and virtual? Subnegative temperatures (Fictional truly below absolute zero colder temperatures, requires developing a double negative number system to describe & require writing sensible rules to explain them. Removes the absolutely lower bound of cold temperatures to allow even colder phenomenon) "Time bang" = a big bang like thing that happened at all moments in time but one place in space Bounded infinitely expanding space, connection to transcendential space feasibility? () + =>inspired: nothingness as a nihilating realm, it is a nonexistent existence that actively interact with the universe or multiverse, thus it does not exist for all intent and purpose, yet it produces observable outcomes -> check database -> null zero came close Tensorial momentum check if noether theorem holds for them before including them greatest misery of the greatest number (the polar reversal of utilitarianism, a (fortunately) very rare and unknown concept because it proliferate the universal evil of universal supressions of all voices and worldviews in a positive feedback loop fashion Do you still not understand? It is not as simple as that. The grand scheme of things. He and she had already taken the step. Remember, everything is connected, and soon, every decision will count The Convergence: Moments in time where many timelines cross, think of a point like attractor field, where even the smallest decision will result in widely diverging paths. Inspired from the emotions in Continuum when the wormhole is connected resulting in the possibility of ripple effects You still don't understand, didn't you. The horror and power that is locked within me, the power to destroy the world, might be unleashed in face of a suitable trigger Time progresses by standing still (The Timeless) Use a enhanced version of a 360 camera to record a short segment of a timeline? <>?悪魔っ娘 fate extella? Magic? 1. Amplifying improbable events in a small area. This by itself does not do much, but a careful practitioner can arrange what and where to amplify in order to brought about some desired effects by assisting the laws of physics (examples can be found in The Librarian, where devil contract magic exploit coincidence to being about effects) 2. Social relation based. The magic is conjured and used via making certain social connections with different types of people in some specific way (Make sure it does not end up like social link in Megami Tensei Persona) 3. Odine. A life force that exists in all avians (including avianoids). It's typical appearance is a bluish energy, the type commonly associated with angelic alignments in fantasy stories. It is the richest within a certain type of white bird (where people like to keep in in golden cages). Despite its deceptive bluish color, it can be argued that it is a very dark type of magic since it rely on exploiting the fear of nature itself to achieve miracles, namely, the extreme reluctance of nature to let a certain type of events to happen, thus using Odine to condition events in order to theoretically increase the chance of letting sad event to happen, nature will instead allow otherwise improbable events to happen rather that event it abhors. In short, it is a magic that relying on ransoming nature to achieve its magical effect, and the power of the miracles granted depending on how much effort nature needed to avoid realising that certain event. 4. Limit magic: Person possessing this type of magic can approach the outcome of what they desired in a limiting case. For example a person has an idol who is a singer, he/she can then acquire very good singing skills in a very short time. 5. Asymptotic magic: Not a magic per sec, but an extremely clever orchestration of events via physical means such that two targets A and B are effectively being correlated and given a causal order for time frames (or more general notion of scales) large enough to serve its purpose. This correlation is then maintained, thus the whole chain of events can be used as if one single entity for some purpose within the scale applicable. Unlike Magecraft (Blazblue) and Magecraft (TYPE MOON), it does not involve any paranormal phenomenon. Basically the generalisation and perfection of magic as a trick such that the illusory effect can be made somewhat real and has a somewhat independent existence. 6. Negation symmetry: A school of thought that analyse classify and understand magic based on the laws of physics they violated (instead of apparent violation). In the extreme case it is conjectured that a phenomenon and its complement together is conserved. For example a particle that obey noether theorem and one that violate it together is conserved. Or a broomstick flies because the magic specifically counteract gravity without any underlying mechanism. 7. Alchemy basic gist? Conversion of a amount of stuff into B amount, regardless of identity and law constraints. Spiritual stuff to be figured out (Magic vs Divine) weaponise soon? The ability to render an action from oneself or others (including events in general) impossible to be blocked, manipulated and reversed, by all means.