| - Sonic and Sally are in Robotropolis to rendezvous with Uncle Chuck. Chuck doesn't seem to be around, but he flips open the secret door to his lair, sending Sonic flying. He invites the pair inside and shows them seismic readings, indicating that a massive earthquake will soon strike Robotropolis. Sonic is enthusiastic about the thought of Robotnik's operations being damaged, but Chuck informs him that Robotnik is aware of the quake as well and plans to avoid it by hovering above Robotropolis in a spacecraft. Sally wonders how they can take advantage of the situation. Chuck admits that the city will briefly be defenseless while Robotnik is gone. Meanwhile, Robotnik finishes loading his SWATbots into his spacecraft, and reveals to Snively that he cares nothing for the other machines being left behind-including the Robians. Robotnik's ship takes off, and Chuck tells Sonic and Sally his plan to save the other Robians left behind by the unfeeling doctor. They decide to help Chuck out, but since Robotnik shut down all his equipment they can't get into the Roboticizer room. Suddenly, the earthquake begins. "The Day Robotropolis Fell" - Part Two The tremors of the quake create a crevice large enough for the group to squeeze through, landing them in the Roboticizer room. Sally hears footsteps approaching, but Chuck tells her that he sent an intruder alarm to lure the Robians to their location. When Sally points out that they don't have time to De-Roboticize the Robians in normal fashion, Chuck reveals his plan to overload the machine so that it will explode and throw out a wave of energy. The Robians come rushing in, and Chuck has his young friends run for cover as he activates the machine. Smoke rises from the explosion, but Chuck emerges from it-still a Robian, as he feels that he's more valuable to the Freedom Fighters remaining a robot for the time being. However, his plan has worked, and all the other Robians who charged into the room have been restored to normal. The trio lead their new friends out of Robotnik's base just as Rotor arrives in a plane to transport them to safety. Unfortunately, there's not enough room for everyone; Uncle Chuck volunteers to remain behind due to having a more durable robotic body, but Sally orders him to leave with the others. Sonic and Sally determine that they'll find a way out of Robotropolis together. "The Day Robotropolis Fell" - Part Three As the plane takes off, the pair begin their escape attempt. Sally asks NICOLE to help them find a safe way out. While she's distracted, a giant bolder lands on top of her, knocking her unconscious. Sonic, horrified, digs her out, realizing that Sally won't survive unless they make it back to Knothole immediately. NICOLE shows Sonic the best route to take and wishing him luck as he takes off, carrying Sally in his arms. They near the outskirts, only to reach a lava-filled chasm. A large tower is about to fall in the chasm, and Sonic realizes that if he changes direction he won't make it back in time. Spotting a hole in the tower, Sonic leaps through as it crashes into the chasm below. The next day, a bandaged but mobile Sally awards Sonic and Uncle Chuck with Mobius Golden Acorn medals for their bravery. Chuck is doubtful that Sally will be able to pin it on him, but is then informed that his is a magnet. Sonic, on the other hand, awards his medal to NICOLE for her part in helping him and Sally escape the city. As the citizens of Knothole celebrate, Uncle Chuck wonders about Robotnik, who returns to Robotropolis to find it in ruins. As he announces his intentions to rebuild, Snively wonders how they'll ward off the Freedom Fighters. Robotnik reveals that he has a satellite in place to project a force field around the city to protect it, and starts to order Snively to activate it. Snively does so, only for their craft to crash into it, Robotnik telling him that he was going to have him bring it up after they got inside its perimeter.