| - Raphael was born into The Commonwealth. Both of his parents were scientists with the mysterious organization, The Institute. Raphael's parents decided to leave The Commonwealth shortly after Raphael was born. Eventually, they made it to the Core Region and into the New California Republic. Growing up in the NCR was a nice life for Raphael, he had safety, education and friends although he wasn't the type to socialize willingly. At the age of eleven, Raphael was given his first gun by his father, a .45 auto pistol. After this gift was given, Raphael and his father often went out hunting. They did this to give Raphael a chance to improve his marksmanship and also to be able to trade any skins or meats they could get from the animals they killed. One day, on a hunting trip, Raphael and his father came across an abandoned RobCo warehouse. Inside they found many valuable things to trade as well as an old broken Pip-Boy. Raphael took the Pip-Boy and managed to fix it up, however, much of the data on it was corrupted and it was unclear who the previous owner was. He simply believed that the Pip-Boy belonged to someone from pre-War times, Raphael managed to wipe all of the data off of the Pip-Boy and claim it as his own. From then on, he wore this computer on his left wrist.