| - Kyle was a hunter who became a dragon rider, and then saved the world from the Dark Dragon. He is named Keil Fluge in the original Japanese game, and Kyle is the closest English pronunciation. Kyle is the protagonist of the first Panzer Dragoon game but his status as a hero is sometimes overlooked by fans simply because his character was never explored to any satisfactory degree. His in-game role, which other than the intro, saw no cut scenes that might develop his personality further. His courage is never in short supply, however, so players can assume that it’s woven into the fabric of his identity.
| - Kyle was a hunter who became a dragon rider, and then saved the world from the Dark Dragon. He is named Keil Fluge in the original Japanese game, and Kyle is the closest English pronunciation. Kyle is the protagonist of the first Panzer Dragoon game but his status as a hero is sometimes overlooked by fans simply because his character was never explored to any satisfactory degree. His in-game role, which other than the intro, saw no cut scenes that might develop his personality further. His courage is never in short supply, however, so players can assume that it’s woven into the fabric of his identity. Panzer Dragoon lacks a developed story of its own but is a mere chapter in a story larger than itself. In Panzer Dragoon’s introduction sequence, players feast their eyes on a high quality cinematic (for the time), which attempts to build up an accurate picture of the soon to be main character. It set the standard for future games and set the stage for what was to come. The intro is where players see Kyle in action the most, showing that the part he played in the story cannot be dismissed, lest we ignore how ripples can build up into tides to steer the course of history. A theme of Panzer Dragoon is that even the unlikeliest of person can make a difference and have an impact in shaping the world around them. Very little is revealed about Kyle in the Panzer Dragoon series. One reason for this is due to Kyle’s lack of dialogue during the game. The Sky Rider has more lines than he does in the script. Another reason is because in other Panzer Dragoon games, almost any reference made about him is next to non-existent. The dragon shared a bond with Kyle that was almost like friendship. Protecting one another from villains, the dragon with his homing lasers and Kyle with his gun. The dragon showed enough affection towards Kyle and knew to protect him. He displayed this when he transported Kyle to a beach so he would not face further danger; this conveyed that the dragon cared. There was also a mental and physical bond Kyle shared with the dragon. As stated in Panzer Dragoon Orta’s encyclopaedia, the dragon requires a rider to share senses with to realise his full potential as a powerful and successful fighting machine. This is represented in Panzer Dragoon’s camera angles, where the player can rotate the camera to left, right, and behind the dragon, angles that are outside the dragon’s viewpoint by not that of Kyle. The dragon needed Kyle and would most likely not have been able to defeat the Dark Dragon were it not for Kyle’s assistance.