[[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mortify]] mortifier, from Late Latin mortificare (“‘cause death’”), from mortificus (“‘producing death’”) from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mortify]] mors (“‘death’”) + facere (“‘to make’”), from whence also -ify (“‘to make’”). Sense of “to die” 1382; sense of “religious discipline” c. 1412; sense of “humiliate” 1645 (in mortification).
[[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mortify]] mortifier, from Late Latin mortificare (“‘cause death’”), from mortificus (“‘producing death’”) from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mortify]] mors (“‘death’”) + facere (“‘to make’”), from whence also -ify (“‘to make’”). Sense of “to die” 1382; sense of “religious discipline” c. 1412; sense of “humiliate” 1645 (in mortification).