Azeroth kontinense ( Stormwind kontinens-nek is hívott) egy a három kontinens közül. that form the Eastern Kingdoms, it lies to the south of Khaz Modan. Though Azeroth was held for some time by the Horde during the Second War, it has mostly been freed by the Alliance. It contains both the region of Stormwind and Stormwind CityToD 5 (capital of the region), as well as the several surrounding territories.
Azeroth kontinense ( Stormwind kontinens-nek is hívott) egy a három kontinens közül. that form the Eastern Kingdoms, it lies to the south of Khaz Modan. Though Azeroth was held for some time by the Horde during the Second War, it has mostly been freed by the Alliance. It contains both the region of Stormwind and Stormwind CityToD 5 (capital of the region), as well as the several surrounding territories.