| - Cowboy Bebop is a Japanese animated television series that centers around a group of bounty hunters in a futuristic, space-western setting. The year is 2071 and the place is our Solar System, where various planets and moons have been terraformed for human settlement, travel between planets is simplified through Astral Gates, and Earth is seen as a largely uninhabitable place with frequent meteor showers. The show's title is a reference to both the Cowboy lifestyle of the American Wild West, and Bebop, an American jazz movement from the early to mid 20th century. As such, many elements of the show are influenced by the Old West, such as the bounty system of allowing civilians to make a living off capturing criminals, and the show's music has strong jazz influences. In addition to the 26 episode anime series, the Cowboy Bebop franchise consists of a feature-length animated film, Knockin' on Heaven's Door, two mangas, and a live-action feature length film that is currently being made. This anime primarily contains procedural drama, in which the plot is introduced and resolved during the same episode. Many episodes revolve around a particular bounty head the Bebop crew connect to in some way. For example, in Session 23 Brain Scratch the crew actively try to capture a known criminal for only that episode. Story arcs are also formed and overlain throughout the series. Spike Spiegel, Jet Black, and Faye Valentine all encounter people from their own mysterious pasts. Several episodes focus on one main character and their personal issues. For example, in Session 24 Hard Luck Woman Faye goes in search of her childhood instead of a bounty.