| - "As much a danger to the expedition as any dinosaur was the despair. While we were walking among wonders, the constant danger and our tragic losses were hard to bear. They certainly took their toll." - Spring expedition, 1936 On the eastern side of the mountainous spine that bisects Skull Island, a network of rivers, fed by runoff and springs, weave through a wide land of gentle country swathed in low scrub and patchy grasslands. These lowland flats and wide grassy valleys are home to the largest of the island’s inhabitants. Towering sauropods and brawny ceratopsians chew the grasses and mow the jungle perimeter, keeping it at bay, while giant, predatory V. rexes stalk the herds at a distance. Beneath them all, legions of insects and other arthropods go about their secret lives, mimicking the epic struggles of the dinosaurs. Over time, as the island has been shrinking and the encroaching sea has been gobbling up much of this region, the inhabitants have been forced into the jungle borders to survive. Surveys show the overall size of the open lowland habitat has been reduced by nearly 80 percent in less than a few centuries. This concentrates species in ever tighter clusters and intensifies the competition in the low forest areas. It is definitely a habitat in peril.