| - It falls upon April, a Shifter who can move between the worlds, to restore the Guardian and save the Balance (helped by her sidekick Crow). However, powerful forces contrive to stop her, with the Chaos Vortex, the Vanguard and their leader Jacob McAllen first among them. On her side are Cortez and the White Dragon. The entire story is narrated by Lady Alvane, a mysterious figure whose tale brackets the game. April's journey takes her through a multitude of locations across the twin worlds and beyond, leading up to a climactic but ambiguous ending, which made fans eager for a sequel.
| - It falls upon April, a Shifter who can move between the worlds, to restore the Guardian and save the Balance (helped by her sidekick Crow). However, powerful forces contrive to stop her, with the Chaos Vortex, the Vanguard and their leader Jacob McAllen first among them. On her side are Cortez and the White Dragon. The entire story is narrated by Lady Alvane, a mysterious figure whose tale brackets the game. April's journey takes her through a multitude of locations across the twin worlds and beyond, leading up to a climactic but ambiguous ending, which made fans eager for a sequel. The title undoubtedly owes much to The Neverending Story (Die Unendliche Geschichte, 1979), by ironically-named German fantasist Michael Ende. It also tells the story of two worlds: our own, and one of fantasy. The game and its creator Ragnar Tornquist were highly acclaimed as genre-savers, and put Funcom on the map. Although it was never a huge seller in any market, The Longest Journey (TLJ) gained a large and devoted fan-base that stubbornly stayed alive in the years after TLJ was released. In 2011, it was announced that an iPhone port of The Longest Journey is in development.