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- Ss
- SS
- SS
- SS
- SS
- SS
- Ss
- Ss
- Deze pagina kan verwijzen naar de volgende dingen:
* SuperSean, een moderator op PGM
* SS belt God, een filmpje waarin SuperSean het nummer van god belt en waarvan later allerlei spoofs gemaakt zijn.
- SS (od Schutzstaffel - eksadra ochronna) - niemiecka, nazistowska organizacja paramilitarna. Została utworzona w 1923 r. jako oddziały przeznaczone do osobistej ochrony Adolfa Hitlera przed atakami. Zyskała na znaczeniu po tzw. nocy długich noży (1934), gdy przejęła rolę zbrojnego ramienia NSDAP. Była jedną z najpotężniejszych organizacji w nazistowskich Niemczech. Podczas sądu w Norymberdze w 1946 roku (poza oddziałami Kawalerii) SS została uznana za organizację zbrodniczą.
- Au 23ème siècle, l'historien John Gill introduisit l'organisation SS dans la société d'Ekos. (TOS: "Patterns of Force") ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'hésitez pas à [ éditer] cette page pour le terminer. Des précisions sur les informations nécessaires à compléter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou créer un texte original.
- The Schutzstaffel (better known as the SS; in English "Protective Echelon") were Adolf Hitler's political soldiers. They were responsible for the mass murder of Jews and others in the Holocaust, many were tried and convicted of War crimes. The SS ran the secret police, and served as Hitler's body guard. The SS actually consisted of two groups: the Allgemeine SS (Universal SS), which ran the political offices and the Waffen-SS (Armed SS), which was the Nazi army (separate from the Wehrmacht).
- SS eli Schutzstaffel (suojajoukot) oli natsi-Saksan kansallissosialistisen puolueen alun perin puolisotilaallinen yksikkö. SS perustettiin Adolf Hitlerin henkivartiokaartiksi, mutta se laajeni myöhemmin huomattavasti. Katso myös seuraavat luokittelut:
* SS-osastot
* SS-Arvot
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- SS ist die Abkürzung für das neuste Buch "Schlampensex" von Adolfus Fickler.
- The SS was one of the most notorious units of the Nazi regime and played a leading role in the Holocaust. Late in and after the war many SS men were sought for heinous crimes and despite extreme age as of 2008 some are still being sought.
- thumb|right|Schweine - ilustrační obrázek. ϟϟ byla sesterská společnost německé cestovní kanceláře Wehrmacht. Měla na starosti především personální obsazení rekreačních středisek Německa. Jejich krycí jméno bylo SuperSchweinen.
- Le SS o più brevemente Scheissenstaffeluberprofitterollenkrapfenburgerautobahn, dette anche Ezze ezze erano le guardie svizzere personali di Adolf Hitler. Create per volere del Führer, servivano a proteggere la sua scorta personale di angurie dall'attacco degli alieni comunisti. Tra i principali membri delle SS ricordiamo illustri assi della guerra di terra, aria e mare quali Tonio Cartonio e Benedetto XVI. Una leggenda vuole che anche Manninger abbia militato in gioventù nelle SS, ma tutti gli ex nazisti negano il fatto come un insulto alla razza ariana. Di recente, il noto cabaretista e drammaturgo canadese Fidel Castro ha dichiarato di avere militato in gioventù nel suddetto corpo, sotto il comando dello stesso Pontefice. La dichiarazione ha shockato il mondo, addirittura la repubblica
- The abbreviation "SS":
* Most commonly an abbreviation for Server Save.
* Most commonly an abbreviation for Screenshot.
* Image:Serpent Spawn.gif Sometimes it refers to the Serpent Spawn.
* Image:Skull Staff.gif Sometimes it refers to the Skull Staff.
* Image:Serpent Sword.gif Sometimes it refers to the Serpent Sword.
* Image:Stone Shower.gif Sometimes it refers to the Stone Shower rune.
* Image:Small Stone.gif Sometimes it refers to the Small Stone distance weapon.
* Image:Spike Sword.gif It can also mean Spike Sword, but this is not widely used.
* Image:Short Sword.gif It can also mean Short Sword, but this is not widely used.
* Image:Salamander Shield.gif It can also mean Salamander Shield, but this is not widely used.
* Image:Scarab Shield.gif
- This is a break off from the original SS. Its members are few and it is purpose is twofold. Originally the only members of the group were Steve and Shantz (hence the title SS and it also stands for ) The movement quickly gained momentum and doubled its size, adding two new members to its elite. This group aims at world domination beginning with Saint Stephen’s University and to spread the truth as only white male supremacists can. The group is so clandestine and the meetings kept so secret it is wondered if it exists. SS Traditions include: Random musical numbers in the kitchen at 2 am
- The SS was the "scrumptious snacks" unit of the Nazi Party, responsible for providing tea and biscuits while Hitler went around purifying Germany and restoring the Aryan race. Starting out as just a handful of men tasked with delivering refreshments to Adolf Hitler, the SS grew to one of the most prominent catering units in the entire country, even exerting as much influence as the regular McNazi's food chain in place at the time.
- Το SS αναφέρεται στην Συνομοσπονδία Σαπουνοπιών Γερμανίας κατά τον 19ο και 20ο αιώνα. Η SS άνθισε κυρίως κατά την διάρκεια του 1ου και του 2ου παγκόσμιου πολέμου. Εκείνη την περίοδο η SS έγινε πολυεθνική εταιρεία και επεκτάθηκε στο μεγαλύτερο μέρος της Ευρώπης. Τα κεντρικά γραφεία της SS βρίσκονταν στο Νταχάου αλλά στην συνέχεια μεταφέρθηκαν στο Άουσβιτς διότι χτίστηκαν καινούριες εκσυγχρονισμένες εγκαταστάσεις για την παραγωγή σαπουνιού πρώτης ποιότητας. Στα εγκαίνια του εργοστασίου στο Άουσβιτς παρεβρέθηκε και ο ίδιος ο καγκελάριος της Γερμανίας Α. Χίτλερ. Μετά από μια λαμπρή δεξίωση που έλαβε χώρα, ανακοινώθηκε στο κοινό και το καινούριο όνομα της Συνομοσπονδίας Σαπουνοποιών το οποίο ήταν FA (soap From Auswitz). Η FA αναδείχτηκε σε κολοσσό με τεράστιες πωλήσεις κυρίως στην Ευρώπη. Πολλέ
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