| - thumb|134pxMoonwatcher war ein Ameisenigel, der im 11. Akt der Mobius Timeline lebte und er war der Sohn von Eri-Ka und Steppenwolf. Moonwatcher war der zweite Guardian, der die Macht hatte die Chaos Emeralds zu kontrollieren und mit seiner Gefährtin Lunama-Re bekam er einen Sohn, Harlan. (CSE) Kategorie:Männlich Kategorie:Ameisenigel Kategorie:The Brotherhood of Guardians
- Moonwatcher (preferring the nickname "Moon"), is a female NightWing dragonet, and the main protagonist of the sixth book in the Wings of Fire series, Moon Rising. She is the first known NightWing to have mind-reading and prophetic powers since Darkstalker was trapped. She also delivered what seems to be the first true prophecy in over a century, known as the Jade Mountain Prophecy. Since there were no other living NightWings besides Darkstalker and Foeslayer that had the information on Moon's powers, Darkstalker taught her the tricks to control them using telepathy until she left his range of communication. She is currently in a relationship with Qibli as of Darkness of Dragons.
- Moonwatcher was the son of Guardian Steppenwolf and the second of the Guardians to possess a link to the Chaos Emeralds of Angel Island.
- Moonwatcher thumb|Moonwatcher.Moonwatcher era el hijo del guardián Steppenwolf y el segundo de los Guardianes de poseer un enlace a las Chaos Emeralds de Angel Island.
- During Moonwatcher's tenure as Guardian he defeated the Dark Legion during one of their many breakouts of the Twilight Zone, sending them back to their imprisonment. Additionally, he helped introduce a number of different Mobian species to the Floating Island, notably the Chameleons of Rainbow Valley. Presumably unbeknownst to him, this group-in later generations if not beginning in his time-would come to include Shinobi Clan ninja assigned to observe the Brotherhood in secret. (KtE: #18, SU: #16, CSE)