This page presents a list of notable songs featuring VOCALOID Kagamine Len (鏡音レン). The songs are sorted by upload date based on the view counts of their original broadcasts on Niconico, YouTube, bilibili, and other media hosts. Unless under special circumstances, reprint view counts are ineligible. Additionally, these songs feature Kagamine Len alone as the singer, not with a duet partner or as part of a group. For song articles, see (category). For both Kagamines' featured songs page, see Songs featuring Kagamines. For Rin's featured songs page, see Songs featuring Kagamine Rin. Notice __TOC__
Attributes | Values |
| - Songs featuring Kagamine Len
| - This page presents a list of notable songs featuring VOCALOID Kagamine Len (鏡音レン). The songs are sorted by upload date based on the view counts of their original broadcasts on Niconico, YouTube, bilibili, and other media hosts. Unless under special circumstances, reprint view counts are ineligible. Additionally, these songs feature Kagamine Len alone as the singer, not with a duet partner or as part of a group. For song articles, see (category). For both Kagamines' featured songs page, see Songs featuring Kagamines. For Rin's featured songs page, see Songs featuring Kagamine Rin. Notice __TOC__
nnd comment
| |
pp id
| |
yt id
| - 1(xsd:integer)
- 3(xsd:integer)
- 4(xsd:integer)
- 6(xsd:integer)
- 7(xsd:integer)
- 69(xsd:integer)
- 91(xsd:integer)
- 95(xsd:integer)
- t7CyfLpnmOI
- VSadClZ8tzc
- jnhJ1MpZgGs
- PQvXLTh093M
- t1crht-_c6w
- yzAw3E4UIJ4
- nuxZfSnRbkg
- TeVhHLggZ5U
- mkbZhVRytzQ
- T0KXhOUj3Dw
- VoK5d58G20c
- IZARN0Zwerw
- LRKifmJmv20
- f5Wz0XEs1UI
- zt0NlcMj3-A
- myEsj-qf73A
- SmOeqLHwn5g
- AmJpgU8SaAc
- BRR8bWtmJ-8
- C_2K2d91Im0
- CmgHKWXeiew
- Dt3-DwgYwrs
- G1RiS4z0GKU
- H3tpCzksSuk
- IbgTGWB5N00
- IlJDu8-lJw8
- KbwuCBrtceo
- LFtdt_Rr1nU
- T2zDL2F-_50
- TJsisMwdbIE
- U93RsO-sOAI
- UPDOjClzZ90
- WZo-8LCzmXk
- X82FrnpBxNY
- YCnp-yD0xGo
- ZRi4lxvoO30
- auY3swy88M0
- cvFwsuSW09c
- duK0-VBs6NQ
- eorjq6c1ly4
- i0_thpTpNaw
- idLksB9YUIw
- k8uB1LM-D-c
- ktSRfGQ1k7M
- kuJUk39kr9M
- m0_gHHcLV6M
- n_bP_ZZsiX0
- o2ovsJkqaiM
- oO3LimIdF2Y
- olwYtWp9PC8
- pxYY34l1hW4
- sH92A1du050
- syUbbC-994c
- u5mHVUwDf_0
- vCFMfxi3Tt8
- w1Im3i0duBA
- wNwmsu-UFKs
yt comment
| - official
- reprint
- subbed
- official, new PV
- orig., subbed
- spanish subbed
nnd id
| - sm22116466
- sm5596160
- sm3124800
- sm2280048
- sm2849292
- sm3051638
- sm3151139
- sm5134729
- sm14639165
- sm19532707
- sm23134050
- sm9088704
- sm21986604
- sm6256856
- sm2300866
- sm4762229