| - An electronic approximation of the old studio technique of "double tracking", in which a performer would record the same track twice, note-for-note indentically, and then mix the two tracks. Small differences in tuning between the two performances, owning to normal human and non-electronic instrument variation, would produce a thickening of the part, giving it a more substantial presence in the mix. Double tracking often does not work with synths, because tuning does not vary enough between the two performances (a short period of time usually) to produce the effect. Electronic doubling is done with a delay line, set to a time value of between 20-50 msec. Unlike chorusing and most other delay line effects, doubling is usually done with little or no modulation of the delay time.
- Okay I promise this IS the last book, I just mere answers. *need sigh* Does anybody else have this problem? Like, sometimes instead of doubling they erase my entire story. I made a book called the Fox Prophecy, i wrote about 3 paragraphs approximately then iT ERASED! Here's the part when it got erased: "She's a fox you can trust-" Then it deleted! When it does not delete, it doubles. Example: "Firestar is the brave leader of ThunderClan" "Firestar is thethe brave bleadleader of thunderthu" See the rage? Its like the eirins are writing a story and it erases, this is the only reason I want to leave!
| - An electronic approximation of the old studio technique of "double tracking", in which a performer would record the same track twice, note-for-note indentically, and then mix the two tracks. Small differences in tuning between the two performances, owning to normal human and non-electronic instrument variation, would produce a thickening of the part, giving it a more substantial presence in the mix. Double tracking often does not work with synths, because tuning does not vary enough between the two performances (a short period of time usually) to produce the effect. Electronic doubling is done with a delay line, set to a time value of between 20-50 msec. Unlike chorusing and most other delay line effects, doubling is usually done with little or no modulation of the delay time.
- Okay I promise this IS the last book, I just mere answers. *need sigh* Does anybody else have this problem? Like, sometimes instead of doubling they erase my entire story. I made a book called the Fox Prophecy, i wrote about 3 paragraphs approximately then iT ERASED! Here's the part when it got erased: "She's a fox you can trust-" Then it deleted! When it does not delete, it doubles. Example: "Firestar is the brave leader of ThunderClan" "Firestar is thethe brave bleadleader of thunderthu" See the rage? Its like the eirins are writing a story and it erases, this is the only reason I want to leave! Another reason, it lags and completely looses data! I deleted some apps and closed tabs so my WiFi would work better, and it worked smoothly. I was writing something like ugly kit or something the ugly kit I think k doesn't matter, (IT JUST DELETED WHAT I SAID!!), I had to rewrite the entire story. It was going to be about a kit who was mistreated and bullied, but he had a prophecy that he would rise and save the clans and he must fulfill it correctly or face a bloody path, but no. They erased it. So I will try an app called 'wattpad' I believe, and if it has these problems I will just do my homework and imagine what is going on in my mind. Anyway, the worst problem is whenever it doubles it really inturupts the story and causes me to not be able to publish because I do my homework at 7:00pm and I write this at 5:00-700pm. Sorry for complaining, I think my account should not be allowed here.