| - The ship class was stolen from the Galactic Empire, so its external features were not changed all that much. It was still markedly more powerful than the Venator-class Star Destroyer or the intermediate between this ship and the Venator, the Venator-class Star Destroyer Mk. II. The ship class was heavily armed, having an armament similar to the original Imperial-class Design. It had six dual heavy turbolaser turrets, two dual heavy ion cannons, two quad heavy turbolasers, sixty heavy turbolaser cannons, sixty ion cannons, and twelve tractor beam projectors. The medium turbolasers had been replaced with a dozen proton torpedo launchers and sixty-five point-defense laser cannons have been added to prevent the fatal problem the Rebels nicknamed "Trench Run Disease." These ships carried a total of 84 starfighters, 72 of which were in the classic ceiling rack. The other twelve hd been added since the ship class no longer carried Gunboats, Blastboats, or assault shuttles. These twelve were of the TIE/Ae starfighter variety. The ship still managed to carry twenty heavy walkers, thirty light walkers, ten landing barges, a full garisson base and a fairly large army. This ship class could enter atmospheres, so usually several squadrons were made up of atmospheric starfighters. These ships even possessed a smaller forward hangar that contained eight shuttles, while the main hangar still carried a squadron of landing craft.