| - DOT's goal is to place one ERG2008 in each emergency service vehicle, nationwide, through distribution to state and local public safety authorities. To date, nearly eleven million copies have been distributed without charge to the emergency response community. Copies are made available free of charge to public emergency responders through State Coordinators (refer to the menu on the right) in the United States of America. In Canada, contact CANUTEC at 613-992-4624 or via email at canutec@tc.gc.ca for distribution information. In Mexico, call SCT at 52-5-684-1275. Copies are also available commercially through the GPO Bookstore and other commercial vendors.
* Emergency Response Guidebook 2008 The Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) is for use by first responders at the scene of a transportation incident involving hazardous materials. Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) Department of Defense (DOD) Points of Contact for Emergency Response Guidebook 2008 Lisa Taylor - (757) 878-8049 C.E. Radford - (757) 878-8040 PHMSA welcomes constructive comments for improvements to the ERG2008. Comments can be sent either through this ERG Comment Form or in writing to the Office of Hazardous Materials Initiatives and Training, PHH-50, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE East Building, 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20590. [NOTE: Some of the attached documents are in PDF format, you can download a free viewer. If you have problems accessing the PDFs or the information, report your problem for further assistance.]