| - The work of Axel Capek, head scientist of the Ultor Corporation prior to its fall in the First Martian Revolution, was broad-ranging, ingenius and singularly immoral. He created mutants, experimented on animals and humans, released a plague upon the miner population which crippled, disfigured and killed and did it all through his genius and unparalleled pioneering the use of nano-technology and, despite his death, would continue to alter the future of Mars centuries after his death.
- Axel Capek (unknown - 2075) is the secondary antagonist of Red Faction and the head scientist of the Ultor Corporation prior to its fall in the First Martian Revolution. His work is broad-ranging, ingenius and singularly immoral. He experiments on animals and humans, created mutants, releases a plague upon the miner population which crippels, disfigures and kills countless innocents, and accomplishes it all through his genius and unparalleled pioneering of nano-technology which, despite his death, would continue to alter the future of Mars centuries later.
| - The work of Axel Capek, head scientist of the Ultor Corporation prior to its fall in the First Martian Revolution, was broad-ranging, ingenius and singularly immoral. He created mutants, experimented on animals and humans, released a plague upon the miner population which crippled, disfigured and killed and did it all through his genius and unparalleled pioneering the use of nano-technology and, despite his death, would continue to alter the future of Mars centuries after his death. With the defeat of Ultor, many of the scientists who worked for Capek fled the victorious Earth Defense Force and Red Faction and became the Marauders, safeguarding what remained of his research - including the Nano Forge and the Accelerator at Mount Vogel. Most of the mutants and abominations spawned by his research were inevitably destroyed.
- Axel Capek (unknown - 2075) is the secondary antagonist of Red Faction and the head scientist of the Ultor Corporation prior to its fall in the First Martian Revolution. His work is broad-ranging, ingenius and singularly immoral. He experiments on animals and humans, created mutants, releases a plague upon the miner population which crippels, disfigures and kills countless innocents, and accomplishes it all through his genius and unparalleled pioneering of nano-technology which, despite his death, would continue to alter the future of Mars centuries later. Many of his breakthroughs, however, came from the MASTers expedition in 2067 down an ancient shaft whereupon he found a hibernating alien species known as The Plague. After being studied, the aliens awake, slaughtering the scientists. With the defeat of Ultor in 2075 AD, many of the scientists who work for Capek flee the victorious Earth Defence Force and Red Faction. Hiding inside the ruble of ruins and become the Marauders, safeguarding what remains of his research - including the Nano Forge and the Accelerator at Mount Vogel. Most of the mutants and abominations spawned by his research were inevitably destroyed.