| - *Psionic Vision: Her abilities compensate for her physical blindness, as she can 'see' the environment around her.
*Strategic Planner: Due to her ability to survey the past, present, and possible futures of her environment, Irene can make well-informed decisions on her next course of action.
*Adept Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Irene has a degree of training in hand-to-hand combat due to her training with the Brotherhood. However, Irene's true strength is her use of her precognitive abilities to predict her opponents next move, which allows her to take advantage of a fight.
*Expert Marksman: Irene's aim is infallible because she can predict the near-immediate future position of her opponents when she fires her weapon.
| - *Omniscience: power in which Irene knows everything and anything infinitely. Irene’s mind is unblocked to the entire universe. She knows every answer to every question, past, present, and future. This ability grants her infinite knowledge and wisdom. While Irene is able to scan any event of the present with relative ease, it takes Irene a greater level of concentration to scan farther into the past, and seeing into the future becomes less reliable the father in time she looks because no future is set in fate and there are many possible outcomes.
:*Precognition: Psionic power of precognition, the ability to perceive in her mind's eye the events of possible futures. Although she was blind, Destiny could mentally scan the probability spectrum of alternate futures and mentally perceive sounds and sights of events that distinguish them. By concentrating she could focus on only the most probable alternate futures. The accuracy of Destiny’s ability to foresee future events decreased in direct proportion to the number of alternate futures to scan. She could comfortably scan the alternate futures that exist from one second away up until those that exist fifteen minutes away. Hence, she could be 97% accurate in her predictions of the future ten seconds away or less. Despite the limited extent to her certainty, her long-range scanning could be of great use in the early detection of possible random factors that could disrupt her to her partners’ plans. The more likely that a particular alternate future would manifest itself in her reality, the clearer and more distinct her mental impression of it would be. Less likely alternate futures would appear hazy and indistinct. If she left her precognitive perceptions fully open, she would "see" an overlapping succession of images drift in and out of focus as probabilities shifted and further elements transpired. By active participation in the events around her, she could help shift the probabilities toward desired ends.
::*Danger Instinct: The power to see into the immediate future. Irene has no direct control over the power and is only triggered when there is immediate danger. Irene can get an almost clear vision of any imminent danger.
:*Postcognition: Psionic power of postcognition, the ability to perceive in her mind's eye the events from the past. Although she was blind, Destiny could mentally scan the the past and mentally perceive sounds and sights of events that distinguish them. Irene can only see the actual past that occurred in the dimension she is currently in. Therefore, there is no uncertainty in past events that she recalls.
:*Clairvoyant: Able to see far off places or events as well as present events and her surroundings.
::*Environmental Awareness: She can use the ability to sense everyone and everything in an uncertain radius. This includes enemies, allies, and objects, which each have their own signature. Eventually, it grows to the point where she knows if you're carrying a gun or not.
:*Oneiromancy: The power in which Irene experiences dreams concerning the past, present, or future. Dreams can be vivid and realistic or fantastical and symbolic. Irene has to be asleep or unconscious in order for dreams to occur. Irene must due further research with her conscious abilities to discern if her dreams concerned with either past, present, or possible future events. Unlike her conscious abilities, this ability is 100% accurate in all situations concerning future events.
*Astral Projection: the power to separate her soul from her body, usually taking a human form. Irene can project her consciousness into the minds of others for therapeutic purposes, communication, for offensive attacks, or rendering her enemies unconscious. Irene can also act as a scout for the rest of the team through her astral projection, but Irene usually doesn't utilize this facet of her ability for solely scouting purposes because Irene would rather use her clairovoyance ability. Irene can also enter the Astral Plane through the use of her astral projection; however since Irene isn't a full telepath, she would be unable to manipulate the Astral Plane to the extent of psychics such as the Shadow King.
:*Astral Premonition: The ability to project one's conciousness into another time-frame. Irene temporarily transplants her mind and sends it through time into a younger/older version, or a close ancestor/descendant, or as a disembodied astral form.