| - The Black Pirate, in the possession of a small South Atlantic stockade, is stormed by the Red-Raiders. They burn down the fort and kill the Pirate’s men, but Jon Valor defeats the last of them.
Unable to crew his anchored ship alone, Jon takes a small launch out to sea, where he is met by Captain Treble’s slave ship. Jon is brought to a mountain mine to work as a slave, but vows to escape.
- --- In the present, Carlton Vogel's sister Laura Vogel nobly refuses to remain silent after her brother sent her a letter about Zolar's plans . Zolar's Arab agents have traveled to the United States and pressured Laura to be silent. She contacted Superman, and Zolar's Arab agents killed her, then they "kidnapped" an impersonator, their own female agent, pretending to be Laura Vogel. This person met with Superman . These Arab agents were armed with some globe-like gun-like devices, which disintegrated people and objects, "leaving only their shadows behind." Superman finally catches up to the group that took fake-Laura, but is knocked out by their weapon. He is captured and loaded onto one of the villains' strato-ships, but learns that the man behind everything is a would-be world despot called Zolar. Superman frees himself and fake-Laura, , then goes into super action to disrupt Zolar's invasion of Ulonda. He attacks Zolar's fleet of strato-ships and is making quite a bit of headway against them, when Zolar orders his fleet to "Release the meteor death!" They drop a cascade of the blazing globes, engulfing Ulonda in awful destruction. Superman carrying Laura is able to catch his foe's skyship and board it in mid-flight. He gives Zolar an ultimatum, and doesn't seem to be kidding: Zolar must order his fleet to destroy itself; he does and they do. "Obeying Zolar's weird hypnotic powers, hordes of his planes deliberately crash!" But Laura turns out to be an agent of Zolar, as the real Laura was killed some time earlier. Laura uses the globe weapon on Superman, but it backfires, bouncing right off Superman's invulnerable chest, killing her and Zolar, leaving only their shadows behind, and of course crashing the aircraft. The surviving Ulondians are now safe from their deadly nemesis.
- During a movie shoot which Clip oversees as consultant, the co-starring actress is killed on set. Clip's investigations lead to a plot by a rival studio to stop the production. The rival studio was shooting an identical movie, and wanted to release it first. Luckily, Clip catches the killer before he murders the main actor, and the police shut down the rival film before it can be complete.
- Fred Norman has won every race against Pep Morgan. Pep feels like he's been jinxed ever since his high school track run, when he tripped during the last leg, allowing Norman to beat him. to win the conference championship, Pep's going to need to break the mental-jinx he placed on himself.
- --- In a flashback: Carlton Vogel, an archaeologist in the Sahara, approaches the lost city of Ulonda with his expedition. Helmeted Arabs attack using globe-like weapons, killing Carlton and his men.
- A newspaper headline grabs the attention of Fog, Gunner, and Whistler. Bill Decortland's plane went down in the South American jungle, and he has been labeled as "missing". Bill was an old war-buddy of theirs, so the trio agree to go to look for him themselves.
- Zatara is asked to help the police solve a series of murders in which the victims die from the mottled death. Zatara traces the source of the disease to a South American insect planted by the Tigress and her new magician partner. Zatara trails them back to South America where he captures them and sends them to prison.
- A freak midsummer snowstorm strikes Metropolis. A voice breaks into a commercial radio broadcast, claiming to be Laura Vogel and calling for Superman to meet her at Park Ferry; she has important information about the crazy weather. Superman shows up, just slightly too late to prevent an unidentified young woman from getting killed with some advanced radium weapons wielded by helmeted Arab agents.
- Tex Thomson investigates a racketeering scam perpetrated by Dr. Mixxo. Tex learns that Mixxo is also stealing fur shipments with the help of an inside man, Mr. Solar. Tex is captured, but Miss X performs a timely rescue, which allows Tex to arrest the crooks.