| - Time is the most secretive anthropomorphic personification in Antartica. Unlike those personifications who appear often at their related events (ex. the Ban), very few penguins have seen Time or know much about her, even though her phenomenon occurs every moment in the space-time continuum. Interestingly enough, there was once a discussion between Ban and Bugzy which offers clues as to the nature of Time, to those who are alert enough to get the hint. Ban, whilst trying to cheer Bugzy up, is attempting to explain the Uncertainty Principle, but he digresses into musing about why penguins refer to the Trousers of Time when Time has never been known to... at this point Bugzy left, and the terminal words "wear any" were lost.. Time has the appearance of a tall, female penguin with a dark wig. She married Joe, a Ninja-philosopher who, thousands of years ago, pondered the phenomenon of time so thoroughly that Time appeared to him as a person. Joe left the Dojo of the Time Ninjas that he founded, and the two have been living together ever since. Time and Joe have a son, who was born twice because, at that time, Time was an inexperienced new mother, and at that naturally stressful event let time flicker. The two versions of the son are known as .