| - The Blue City (officially the Blue City of the Imperial King of Sayerthenn, Sayerthenner: Kalo Uem Ai Sai Shi, "God Who is King's Blue City," often Sai Shi, "Blue City") is the capital, and 2nd most-populous city of the Blue Empire of Sayerthenn. The Blue City is sat on the Bay of Frozen Hurricanes (formally Blue Moon Bay - the phrase in Lobott "once in a blue moon" originates from how rarely supposedly Blue Kings are murdered - named as an allusion to the myth of the Moonlion, and in tribute to the Crescent Blue Mountains), and is made up of a series of man-made islands interconnected by bridges, and man-made land bridges. The isles are fashioned in geometric shapes and surround a great seven-sided isle, known as the Imperial Palace of Stones.The Palace is built within a lagoon surrounded
- Blue City – centrum handlowe położone przy Alejach Jerozolimskich 179 w dzielnicy Ochota, rejon Szczęśliwice. Centrum Handlowe Blue City otwarto w 2004 roku. Charakterystycznym znakiem centrum jest błękitna kopuła. W samym środku Blue City znajduje się specjalnie zaprojektowana fontanna, której główny strumień tryska na wysokość 26 metrów. Kompleks Blue City był przed wybudowaniem Arkadii największym w Polsce kompleksem handlowym znajdującym się w centrum miasta. Obiekt zajmuje powierzchnię 4-hektarowej działki. Do jego konstrukcji, pokrytej w całości szklanym dachem, użyto 120 000 m3 betonu, a nad jego atrium znajduje się szklana kopuła o rozpiętości 36 m.
- Blue City is a the primary setting of Zoids: Fuzors. It also appears in Zoids VS 3 and Zoids Saga Fuzors. In Zoids Fuzors, Blue City is a large metropolis that is the centerpoint for the anime. It appears as a large city with its own law enforcement system, the Peace Keeping Bureau (PKB), and (at least some of their) court trials are conducted by juries. It is governed by a mayor, who is elected democratically. Blue City also features a Zoid battle arena for Zoid pilots to compete in as well as functioning as a place where new Zoids can be displayed. Blue City has high demand to be developed, with construction sites dominating certain scenes. Strong-arm tactics are seen to be employed on occasion to secure the land necessary for expansion. Furthering the idea of advancemant, a complex syst
| - Blue City is a the primary setting of Zoids: Fuzors. It also appears in Zoids VS 3 and Zoids Saga Fuzors. In Zoids Fuzors, Blue City is a large metropolis that is the centerpoint for the anime. It appears as a large city with its own law enforcement system, the Peace Keeping Bureau (PKB), and (at least some of their) court trials are conducted by juries. It is governed by a mayor, who is elected democratically. Blue City also features a Zoid battle arena for Zoid pilots to compete in as well as functioning as a place where new Zoids can be displayed. Blue City has high demand to be developed, with construction sites dominating certain scenes. Strong-arm tactics are seen to be employed on occasion to secure the land necessary for expansion. Furthering the idea of advancemant, a complex system of road structures, including roads that are strictly prohibited for Zoids, are seen through the city. Skyscrapers and jumbotrons are common, and Christmas lights appear too. Some of Blue City's resturants are devoted to Zoids pilots, featuring pictures of Zoids inside and allowing Zoids to be parked near the resturant. Almost all of the cast of Fuzors appear to hail from, or currently live in, Blue City. The weather of Blue City seems mild.
- Blue City – centrum handlowe położone przy Alejach Jerozolimskich 179 w dzielnicy Ochota, rejon Szczęśliwice. Centrum Handlowe Blue City otwarto w 2004 roku. Charakterystycznym znakiem centrum jest błękitna kopuła. W samym środku Blue City znajduje się specjalnie zaprojektowana fontanna, której główny strumień tryska na wysokość 26 metrów. Kompleks Blue City był przed wybudowaniem Arkadii największym w Polsce kompleksem handlowym znajdującym się w centrum miasta. Obiekt zajmuje powierzchnię 4-hektarowej działki. Do jego konstrukcji, pokrytej w całości szklanym dachem, użyto 120 000 m3 betonu, a nad jego atrium znajduje się szklana kopuła o rozpiętości 36 m. Integralną częścią inwestycji było wybudowanie zewnętrznego parkingu dla klientów oraz tunelu dojazdowego do centrum pod Alejami Jerozolimskimi. W kompleksie Blue City znajduje się 1500 miejsc parkingowych na parkingu wielopoziomowym, 600 miejsc w ogrzewanym garażu podziemnym i do 400 na parkingach zewnętrznych. Część handlowa Blue City to miejsce na ponad 230 lokali, zlokalizowanych na 6 poziomach (od "–1" do "+4"). Rolę supermarketu pełnią delikatesy Piotr i Paweł. Właściciel centrum planuje w przyszłości dokonać rozbudowy kompleksu, a w nowej części może znaleźć się m.in. kino oraz dodatkowa powierzchnia biurowa. Do centrum handlowego można dotrzeć wszystkimi liniami komunikacji miejskiej, które zatrzymują się w zespołach Berestecka oraz CH Blue City. Kategoria:Centra handlowe Kategoria:Ochota
- The Blue City (officially the Blue City of the Imperial King of Sayerthenn, Sayerthenner: Kalo Uem Ai Sai Shi, "God Who is King's Blue City," often Sai Shi, "Blue City") is the capital, and 2nd most-populous city of the Blue Empire of Sayerthenn. The Blue City is sat on the Bay of Frozen Hurricanes (formally Blue Moon Bay - the phrase in Lobott "once in a blue moon" originates from how rarely supposedly Blue Kings are murdered - named as an allusion to the myth of the Moonlion, and in tribute to the Crescent Blue Mountains), and is made up of a series of man-made islands interconnected by bridges, and man-made land bridges. The isles are fashioned in geometric shapes and surround a great seven-sided isle, known as the Imperial Palace of Stones.The Palace is built within a lagoon surrounded by cliffs, and waterfalls; the Palace can only be accessed by means of the long white bridges known as the Mage's Bridges. The Blue King dresses in gold, and white, and wears an iron sheath on his beard. Upon his head is the Blue Crown, shaped like a cup, and with a large blue topaz shining at its center. The Blue King's Blue Crown is named Kalo Uem Ai Sai Yuk in Sayerthenner. It literally means "God Who is King's Blue Crown." Supposedly it's as old as the Blue Kings themselves. Some say that it is of Seatonne's fashion, and that a Kaathi horde stole it thousands of years ago. "Uem" is an interesting grammatical construction. U, and em are two separate words, but are both short enough that common speech, and writing slur them together. U is "who, what, that, which, that will, etc," and em is "to be."