| - Like the earlier version, it carries highly-explosive rockets and reloads fairly quickly. The rockets travel only slightly faster then the plasma gun shots, but their effects are much more devastating; a single rocket can kill, even gib, a half dozen zombies grouped together. While it provides only minimal blowback in single player for rocket jumps, in multiplayer it makes a useful, albeit health-draining, height booster for your jumps.
| - Like the earlier version, it carries highly-explosive rockets and reloads fairly quickly. The rockets travel only slightly faster then the plasma gun shots, but their effects are much more devastating; a single rocket can kill, even gib, a half dozen zombies grouped together. As in Classic Doom, short range combat is dangerous if not suicidal, especially near ledges, since the blowback effect of the rockets are much stronger than before. Medium range combat is most effective with the weapon, with the physics engine sending enemies flying, often in several pieces. The slow speed of the rockets makes long range combat difficult, unless it is being used against a large, slow-moving target. Like rockets from the demons, your own rockets can be intercepted with weapons fire, though this rarely happens outside of random coincidence. In single player, the weapon is most effective against Hell Knights, though it can also be used in enclosed spaces successfully against Cacodemons, Revenants, and Commandos, although tentacle Commandos tend to dodge it, as can Chaingun Commandos if they are not firing. Perhaps the most effective use for the weapon is to kill Sabaoth; as the door opens, empty a clip of rockets into it. After reloading, simply use a fully charged Soul Cube, and you will send him back to Hell in under 20 seconds. While it provides only minimal blowback in single player for rocket jumps, in multiplayer it makes a useful, albeit health-draining, height booster for your jumps.