Ninth es un hombre alto con cabello oscuro y una cicatriz en la frente.
Ninth is a New World pirate who managed to ally himself with Whitebeard.
Ninth è un capitano pirata alleato di Barbabianca.
Ninth (ナインス, Nainsu) est un Capitaine pirate du Nouveau Monde qui s'est allié à Barbe Blanche.
Ninth är en planet i Pegasus galaxen som har en Stargate. Satedanerna använde planeten som en träningsplats, och under anfallet av Sateda så anföll Wraith även Ninth. Under anfallet så utplånades nästan hela styrkan utom några som överlevde. Överlevarna lämnade planeten och begav sig till Levanna efter hört Sateda hade fallit. (ATL: "Stargate Atlantis: Homecoming")kategori:Obebodda planeterkategori:Pegasus planeter
This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)