| - Alternatively Ellasar could have been the site referred to as Alashiya, now thought to be near Alassa in Cyprus, where there was a Late Bronze Age palace, destroyed by the Peoples of the Sea. The same name later appears in the Book of Daniel as the person appointed by King Nebuchadnezzar to put all the wise men of Babylon to death. Arioch (Arius) was also a grandson of Semiramis in the classical Ninus legend.
- Ariochs (魔神 アリオク) mejor conocido como cangrejos láser después de su ataque con láser y el cangrejo, como las manos, son la mayor y más peligrosa de la Shadow Fiend s. Su arsenal de habilidades y competir incluso a jefes, por lo que uno de los enemigos más difíciles de la batalla en el juego.
- thumb|300px|Arioch, Señor del Caos de los Amos de la Noche. Arioch era un Capitán de la Legión de los Amos de la Noche durante la Gran Cruzada y la Herejía de Horus que tras milenios de matanzas logró convertirse en un Príncipe Demonio.
- right Der Arioch ist ein exotisches Monster aus Final Fantasy XII. Er befindet sich in den Nabreus-Sümpfen in dem Abschnitt Einschläfernde Lande. Dort taucht er jedoch nur mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 40% auf. Er gehört zu den 30 Exoten, die man für die Jagdring-Nebenmission jagen kann.
- A fictional devil of vengeance and chaos in Paradise Lost. His name in Hebrew language means "fierce lion." Originally the guardian angel of Enoch, when the morning star Lucifer (or Satan) had started to rebel against God Arioch followed and became a fallen angel.
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- Ariochs (魔神アリオク) better known as "Laser Crabs" after their Laser attack and Crab like hands, are the largest and most dangerous of the Shadow Fiends. Their arsenal and abilities rival even boss characters, making them one of the most difficult enemies to battle in the game.
- Arioch is a demon from Paradise Lost by John Milton (1667). There isn't much on this obscure character other than that he is a fallen Angel (not just in general, but from the category Angel, as opposed to Archangels, Thrones, Seraphim, etc). Arioch is supposedly Ancient Hebrew for "a fierce lion" (uncorroborated). Arioch is also an Old Testament figure who was the King of Ellasar, part of the alliance of kingdoms that fought the kings of Sodom & Gomorrah and also with Abraham in the Vale of Siddim. This Arioch was more commonly rendered as Eriaku than Arioch. There was also an Arioch elsewhere in the Old Testament which was the soldier appointed by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar to put all the wise and learned men of Babylon to death.