| - Item Storage has a similar interface with the Item Shop, albelt lacking the "Hot&New" and "Set" section tabs. Players can check their weapons in the Weapons section, characters and equipments in Characters section and additional items in Items section. There is also the Giftlist to let players check the list of gifts they sent or received. The AI Tickets are stored in their own tab as well. In place of the Weapon comparing tool on the left side are the bags that players can use/buy to carry their weapons into gameplay. Weapons in storage will display their damaging status and its renting period (cash item). Clicking on a weapon will equip it to the currently selected bags, replacing any weapon already in there. Players can renew renting period (cash items) using "Renew" button (Don't buy the same weapon again from Item shop, it will add a second one to your inventory), and they can also sell weapons they don't need anymore here (only the GP ones) by clicking the "Sell" button - a pop up will display telling them the expected payout after deducing from damage penalty (if available). Weapons obtained via AI Farming Tickets also display the option to sell, and players will receive expected EXP gained from 'em once they confirm their decision In Character section, players can wear equipments they bought for their character(s), and they can choose a Main Character to use in gameplay here. In Items sections, players can check and/or renew/extend renting periods for their bought items as well as enable/disable/switch them around freely. The IGN Color Change and Chat Text Color Change items can be used here too. All of the crates received from Challenge Mode can also be found here.
* There is also another section within Item section, Wave. This tab allows accessing to players' Class card earned in Wave Mode, and here they can bookmark their favorite one or discard unused cards. Entering the Card Manager section will allow players to enhance and add jewels to their cards. AI Ticket tab stores all AI Tickets players bought. They can choose to not use the tickets by clicking on them, this will prevent the tickets to be spent by accident.