| - Seraphimon sind Seraphim-Digimon vom Typus Serum auf dem Mega-Level.
- thumb|left Seraphimons Digitationen: Poyomon - Tokomon - Patamon - Pegasusmon (Armor) - Angemon - Shakkoumon (Fusion) - Magnaangemon - Seraphimon
- Seraphimon is one of the Celestial Digimon.
- Seraphimon is a Great Being that was against the Uterio War, and was apprehended for it. After being release at wars end, he has only been seen not caring if TPK takes control of the Great Beings. It is implied that Seraphimon is Arceus' counterpart and controls Digimon.
- Seraphimon is a Seraph Digimon whose name and design are derived from the Seraph, the first rank of angels. He is one of the three Celestial Digimon, and is an extremely powerful angel. Along with the other Celestial Digimon, he protects the "Kernel" of the Digital World. Attacks
* Hallowed Ascension (Ascension Hallow): Calls down powerful bolts of lightning.
* Hallowed Knuckle (Divine Breaker): Sends forth a formidable ball of crackling lightning from his fist.
* Seven Heavens : Strikes seven bolts upward.
- Seraphimon mit 10 Flügeln Serpahimon mit 8 Flügeln Profil Seraphimon sind sehr mächtige Digimon mit 10 Engelflügeln, die in der Digiwelt die Liebe verkörpern. Durch ihre Maske ist es nicht möglich ihre Stimmung, anhand des Gesichtsausdruckes, zu erkennen, was es ihren Feinden schwerer machen soll, sie einzuschätzen. Daten Name: Seraphimon Level: Mega Typus: Serum Art: Seraphim-Digimon Gruppen: Virus Busters, Wind Guardians Vereinigungen: Digiengel, Great Angels Digitationen digitiert aus digitiert zu * Schattenseraphimon
- Seraphimon is an Angel Digimon whose names and design are derived from the mythological Seraph and the archangel Michael. As one of the "Celestial Digimon", it is the executor of the enlightened God's laws. It is dressed in holy armor that shines silver, and possesses ten golden wings. As the highest-ranked being among Angel Digimon, it rules over them all. Although its true identity and personality are hidden behind a mask and cannot be glimpsed, it is the being closest to the Being of Goodness called "God". It is told that when it descends for the final battle against evil beings, it will purify everything. Also, it is said that Daemon, who fell to the Dark Area and became a Demon Lord Digimon, was originally a Seraphimon. It bears the Crest of Hope on its plackart, and the DigiCode on i
- Seraphimon is an Angel Digimon whose names and design are derived from the mythological Seraph and the archangel Michael. As one of the "Celestial Digimon", it is the executor of the enlightened God's laws. It is dressed in holy armor that shines silver, and possesses ten golden wings. As the highest-ranked being among Angel Digimon, it rules over them all. Although its true identity and personality are hidden behind a mask and cannot be glimpsed, it is the being closest to the Being of Goodness called "God". It is told that when it descends for the final battle against evil beings, it will purify everything. Also, it is said that Daemon, who fell to the Dark Area and became a Demon Lord Digimon, was originally a Seraphimon. It bears the Crest of Hope on its plackart.