| - Leader: Flamestar: Ginger tom with yellow eyes and darker stripes. Deputy: Breezefur: Long haired gray tabby tom with green eyes. Medicine Cat: Fawnfur: Light brown she-cat with a white stripe down her back, white spots, and amber eyes. Mother of Kestrelkit. (Brown tom with white spots, and yellow eyes.) Warriors: Hawkstrike: Brown tabby tom with yellow eyes, and white paws. Father of Kestrelkit. Ashleaf: Light brown she-cat with green eyes, and short fur. Blackcloud: Black she-cat with white spots and river blue eyes. Splashcloud Ivystripe: White she cat with green eyes. Silvertruth Darkpool: Dark-furred tabby she-cat with piercing green eyes. Hollyleafisawesome Redtail: Russet tom with leaf-green eyes. [[User:Eeveestar|Eeveestar] Cloudsky: White tom with sky blue eyes. Cchen3 Riverstream: Silver she-cat with darker stripes and amber eyes. Robinpelt: Ginger tom with yellow eyes and a white chest and belly. Apprentice: Mintpaw: Light short haired gray tabby tom with green eyes and a black paw. Sandclaw: Light brown almost white furred tom, with darker paws and amber eyes. Shadowflower: Large long haired black she cat with yellow eyes. Rosewhisker: Ginger she-cat with yellow eyes and darker stripes. Apprentice: Snakepaw: Dark gray tom with lighter streaks of fur and amber eyes. Duckpelt: Brown tabby tom with yellow eyes. Cloverfur: White she-cat with black spots, a brown muzzle, and blue eyes. Cherryheart: Ginger tom with amber eyes and white paws. Apprentice: Rushpaw: Brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes. Hazelfoot: Brown tom with darker paws and green eyes. Spiderheart: Black tom with green eyes. Smallfoot: Small gray tabby tom with amber eyes. Apprentice: Yellowpaw: Light brown she-cat with yellow eyes and white paws. Queens: Littlepelt: Small white she-cat with brown tipped ears, tail, and brown paws with blue eyes. Mother of Spiderheart's kits, Stormkit (Black tom with white streaks of fur and blue eyes), Softkit (White she-cat with brown paws, brown tipped ears and tail, and blue eyes), and Tinykit, (Black she-cat with blue eyes). Morningstorm: Tortoiseshell and white she-cat with green eyes. Mother of Sandclaw's kits, Leopardkit, (White tom with barely visible brown spots, and blue eyes), and Grasskit (Tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes). Elders: Frostpelt: White she-cat with yellow eyes. Creekfall: Very old dark brown tabby tom with almost white eyes and bad hearing.