| - Rick Santorum is an American politician who appeared in the Season Sixteen episode, "Faith Hilling", where he was at the Colorado Republican Presidential Debate with Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, and Mitt Romney. Upon the conclusion of the episode, Santorum, Gingrich and Romney debated the Talking Cat, who replaced Paul.
- TJ has criticized him saying that he is the lowest form of human existence.
- The Rick Santorum is a gay sexual act that has multiple definitions that we are not allowed to print according with Standards and Practices and our legal department (I imagine it has a lot to do with butt stuff). If you want to know more, just Google it[1].
- Being a strong conservative, Santorum believes that the government should have a limited role in our society, thus emphasizing that if elected president he would strongly enforce laws against abortion, gay marriage, pornography, birth control, and science. Rick Santorum is the kind of person Jesus would have reincarnated into, provided, however, that reincarnation was an actual phenomenon instead of just Hindu lies.
- Former Republican Senator from Pennsylvania best known for his eponymous contribution to gay sex. Picture: [1]
- Rick "Frothy" Santorum (b. May 10, 1958) is the previous Republican senator of Pennsylvania. He tried to run for president in 2012 and won the Iowa Caucus as well as the Colorado and Missouri Caucuses and the Minnesota Primary. He is an incredibly stupid, Homophobic, Global-warming denialist, wants to invade Iran, borderline supports SOPA and hates poor people. How he ever got elected into any position is a wonder. Santorum believes that homosexuality leads to Bestiality, supports unification of Church and State and opposes contraception and sex outside of marriage. He's like something from the middle ages. He also compared gay marriage to 9/11
- Rick Santorum knows the great privilege it is to represent the citizens of Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate and works every day to maintain their trust and confidence. He visits each of Pennsylvania's counties every year to stay in close touch with his constituents - a pledge he made when he was first elected to the Senate in 1994.