Report to Stickybeard and see if he needs you to do anything else.
Fuse's Barrel Bashers are attacking near Stickybeard's ship! Can you help?
Yarrr! Do ye think the Candy Pirates are helpless tadpoles? That we need to be saved by a mere child?
If you're done down there, please bring the remains of those Barrel Bashers back.
Thanks! I'm gonna study these and see if I can make any cool equipment out of 'em. And don't worry about Stickybeard. He's just a crabby crab.
Nice work taking out those Barrel Bashers. Why don't you go see if Stickybeard needs any more help from us?
Guess not! Well, please bring me the remains of those Barrel Bashers.
Get down to Stickybeard's ship, the Sweet Revenge, in Candy Cove. Stop the Barrel Bashers and bring back any leftover pieces. I want to find out what makes 'em tick.
You did great. And don't mind Stickybeard. He's secretly grateful. He's just cranky ever since his ship crash landed. He's embarrassed to be a land lubber!