| - Sunshower Raindrops is part of the weather team in Winter Wrap Up, and one of the ponies initially sent to retrieve the southern birds alongside Cloud Kicker and Rainbowshine, later joined by Sprinkle Medley. She also appears with a pale blue-violet coat knocking snow off a tree branch, and a pony with the design, eye color, and cutie mark of Sunshower Raindrops but the coat and partly mane colors of Orange Swirl and "Candy Mane" appears late in the episode in the line of Pegasi following Rainbow Dash to sweep away all of the snow and clouds. In Hurricane Fluttershy, she is one of the ponies causing the first tornado's collapse; exhausted, she strays from her position and crashes into the pool below. Sunshower Raindrops turns up as a cadet in Wonderbolts Academy and is partnered with Thunderlane as his wingpony. When Spitfire challenges the cadets about whether they thought they could be Wonderbolts, Sunshower Raindrops is the first one she turns to, and she visibly crumples once Spitfire stops looking. Later on, she saves Pinkie Pie from falling. In season four, she appears in Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1, Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Falls, Pinkie Pride, Simple Ways, It Ain't Easy Being Breezies, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, Leap of Faith, Trade Ya!, Equestria Games, Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1, and Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2. In season five, Sunshower Raindrops flees from a twittermite swarm in Bloom & Gloom, helps prepare Ponyville for winter in Tanks for the Memories, attends the Grand Galloping Gala in Make New Friends but Keep Discord, helps Crafty Crate carry a sofa for Davenport in Slice of Life, appears at the Grand Equestria Pony Summit in Princess Spike, appears in Party Pooped, and appears in Ponyville's shared dream in Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? She also appears in the final group shot during Friends Are Always There For You in The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2. In season six, she appears in the far background near the Castle of Friendship in The Crystalling - Part 1.