| - Duradel used to be the toughest Slayer master. However, on 8 December 2009, a new Slayer Master was released: the daughter of Duradel, Kuradal. She is a tougher slayer master, requiring 75 Slayer and 110 combat in order to give tasks. The Slayer cape was moved to Kuradal from Duradel, who now wears a cape of legends. With the release of Plague's End, Duradel was further displaced to the third toughest Slayer Master due to the addition of Morvran, who requires a Slayer level of 85 and a combat level of 120.
- Completion of a task assigned by Duradel will grant you:
* 15 points per normal task
* 75 for every 10th
* 225 for every 50th
* 375 for every 100th
* 525 for every 250th
* 750 for every 1,000th
- Duradel on lahtausmestari joka oleskelee Shilo villagessa.Hän kuolee While Guthix Sleeps tehtävässä.Siinä tehtävässä hän on 197lvl.Myös Turael kuolee samassa taistelussa. Jos menee hakemaan Duraelilta taskin niin, suositeltava Taistelutaso on yli 100. thumb|kuva hänestä. en:Duradel ilmaisia tavaroita ja paljon ilmaista netti pornoa! Luokka:Minityngät Luokka:Henkilöt Luokka:Kuolleet Luokka:Slayer Luokka:Minityngät Luokka:Henkilöt Luokka:Kuolleet Luokka:Slayer Luokka:Minityngät Luokka:Henkilöt Luokka:Kuolleet Luokka:Slayer Luokka:Minityngät Luokka:Henkilöt Luokka:Kuolleet Luokka:Slayer
- leftDuradel é um Mestre de Extermínio, e pai de Kuradal. Ele se tornou o terceiro mais alto mestre de extermínio após a introdução de Morvran, em Priffdinas. Os jogadores devem ter pelo menos nível 50 em Extermínio e nível 100 em Combate antes de terem uma tarefa de Extermínio dele. O Duradel é encontrado no andar de cima da Loja de pesca na Vila Shilo. Para ele dar uma tarefa, os jogadores têm que completar a missão Missão em Shilo. Caso o jogador já tenha completado Diplomacia Lunar, pode contatá-lo para pedir novas tarefas utilizando Magia. Ele costumava vestir a Capa de Extermínio, até Kuradal ser introduzida no jogo, agora a capa foi movida para ela, e ele usa a Capa das Lendas. Duradel tem participação na missão Enquanto Guthix Dorme. Categoria:Mestres de Extermínio Categoria:Hum
- Duradel excelled in Slayer and combat, and aspired to become the greatest Slayer master. He took a potentially questionable path, the details which he does not reveal to prevent others to be tempted, to reach his goal. Duradel eventually successfully became the most powerful Slayer master, and remained so for a time. At some point, Duradel separated from his wife. Kuradal had been making preparations for bringing her mother and father back together, prior to Duradel's death.
- Duradel jest najlepszym Slayer Masterem dla graczy, którzy nie ukończyli questa While Guthix Sleeps. Gracz musi mieć conajmniej 50 level Slayer i 100 combat level, aby dostać od niego zlecenie. Duradel przebywa na piętrze sklepu z rybami w Shilo Village. Aby dostać od niego zlecenie, trzeba najpierw ukończyć zadanie Shillo Village (quest). Podczas sceny z zadania While Guthix Sleeps (walka pomiędzy Lucienem a herosami) pokazany jest combat level mistrza - 197 lvl.
- Duradel can be found in Falador or ::home. When using the "talk to" option when right-clicking it, you get 4 options:
* "I would like to have a new assignment",
* "Remove current Slayer Task (20 Points)",
* "I would like to view the slayer store",
* "I would like to reset my task progress" (lose total task streak + 1 pt),
* "I would like to view the PvM store."
- thumbDuradel är den andra högsta Slayer mästaren, och är Kuradal's fader. Spelare måste ha minst nivå 50 i Slayer och 100 Combat för att få Slayer uppdrag av honom. Duradel finns en trappa up i fiskeaffären i Shilo Village. För att han ska ge dig ett Slayer uppdrag, måste du ha gjort Shilo Village questen.