| - Foxiest of the Hounds is an achievement/trophy in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It is earned by completing the game without setting off any alarms. The easiest way to track this achievement is to check whether you get the Smooth Operator bonus for completing a specific main mission objective, list of which you can find below. It should be noted that simply getting all the bonuses does not guarantee the acquisition of the achievement. If, for example, the player leaves a body of a knocked out enemy in a place where other patrolling guards may potentially find him and completes the objective fast enough he will still get the Smooth Operator bonus. But eventually the body will be found and guards will sound an alarm (it may even happen out of player's sight), which in turn will nullify the Foxiest of the Hounds. So it is recommended to play cautiously and not to trust the XP rewards too much. For the general strategies on playing stealthily consult the guidelines listed on the Smooth Operator page. Unlike Ghost, it is NOT required to refrain from killing enemies or remain undetected to get this achievement, the player only has to prevent an alarm from being raised, which means that even if detected and shot at, as long as any and EVERY target is gunned down (civilians included) before they activate an alarm panel will still count towards Foxiest of the Hounds. To earn this achievement in Director's Cut Version, player have to use "Previous Auto-Save" instead of "Latest Auto-Save" if got spotted by the enemy due to unknown reason (perhaps due to a bug).