Xena enters a mystical realm known as the Dreamscape to save Gabrielle, who has been taken there and forced to complete a series of daunting tasks, that are designed to make her lose her blood innocence and will make her worthy of becoming the bride of the dream god, Morpheus.
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| - Xena enters a mystical realm known as the Dreamscape to save Gabrielle, who has been taken there and forced to complete a series of daunting tasks, that are designed to make her lose her blood innocence and will make her worthy of becoming the bride of the dream god, Morpheus.
- Gabrielle is captured by the priests of Morpheus, the god of dreams, and she is tricked into performing tests which will force her to kill and therefore become the god's sacrifice. Luckily, Xena already told her how NOT to kill and yet be successful in defending herself. Meanwhile, Xena discovers the only way to save Gabrielle is to participate in a "Dreamscape". Her spirit/soul must go through a trial comprising of facing her past. If she emerges at the end then she will be reunited with her physical self. On the way she discovers her worst enemy is herself. Her old, evil self appears and, as expected, both Xenas beat each other to a pulp, but the sans leather Xena still outsmarts the leather Xena, thus illustrating that the good Xena controls the old. Xena saves Gabrielle in just the nic
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| - Xena enters a mystical realm known as the Dreamscape to save Gabrielle, who has been taken there and forced to complete a series of daunting tasks, that are designed to make her lose her blood innocence and will make her worthy of becoming the bride of the dream god, Morpheus.
- Gabrielle is captured by the priests of Morpheus, the god of dreams, and she is tricked into performing tests which will force her to kill and therefore become the god's sacrifice. Luckily, Xena already told her how NOT to kill and yet be successful in defending herself. Meanwhile, Xena discovers the only way to save Gabrielle is to participate in a "Dreamscape". Her spirit/soul must go through a trial comprising of facing her past. If she emerges at the end then she will be reunited with her physical self. On the way she discovers her worst enemy is herself. Her old, evil self appears and, as expected, both Xenas beat each other to a pulp, but the sans leather Xena still outsmarts the leather Xena, thus illustrating that the good Xena controls the old. Xena saves Gabrielle in just the nick of time, and defeats the evil priests. Xena restores the previous benevolent priesthood and cheerfully leaves the village, Gabrielle in tow.
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